The Perfect Paintball Gun – Magazine Marker Vs Hopper Fed


How does one pick the "Perfect Paintball Marker or Paintball Hopper for the Perfect Paintball Gun"? There are so many choices it is enough to make the paintball player's head spin. There are so many variables to taken in to consideration:

1. Will the Paintball player be playing on an outdoor field, in the woods, or in an indoor arena

2. Next, one of the biggest concerns is how affordable is the gun and Paintball Gear for the paintballer.

3. Will the gun or Paintball gear be used on a regular basis or the use of the Paintball Gun and Paintball equipment be used only occasionally.

If the buyer is planning to use the Paintball gun on an ongoing basis, they need to purchase a higher end gun to avoid the gun jamming and creating issues the paintballer does not want to put up with during competition. Plus the higher end Paintball gun will give the player added satisfaction in the performance of the gun.

Two ways to load a gun is the old standard "Hopper Fed 'or the newer" Magazine fed "Paintball marker. Several paintball companies are manufacturing military markers and the marker's magazines. So real looking are the magazine markers they can mistaken for real rifles. this is the newest way to play Paintball … military style.

The magazine is low profile and players love this because they can be stealth and camouflage their movements on the battlefield without giving up the players and the players position.

When the gun is encumbered with the hopper, the hopper often will give away the players position on the field. The player becomes an easy mark to be picked off by the enemy. One drawback to the magazine is the inability to hold as much ammo as the hopper. Therefore the player must carry extra magazines and the Paintball gun needs to be reloaded more often than the gun with the hopper.

Magazines are positioned a little bit behind and below the gun. This allows the player to be able to peek over the bunker and shoot. Hoppers stick up and are an easy target for the enemy.

The new magazines can shoot 1,800 balls per 68 Cu of air. This leads to serious competition. The player in the Paintball field often is part of a team. And the team wears matching uniforms. The uniforms are often customized depending on players use for them. Paintball gear is concealed in the woods, exactly military camouflage style. Combatants wear camouflage as well. All of this gives the tournament the feel of a real military engagement. The combatants have extra paintball gear, hoppers, barrels, magazines and other Paintball equipment that can be separated and switched as the conditions of battle require.

So, which is the players favorite Paintball gun … the hopper or the magazine … maybe both? There is the dedicated "woodballer" that only will use magazines. Those players want their Paintball guns and Paintball Gear to be as authentically military as it can get. The most popular right now is the magazine marker. At times these games last for days. Duplicating World War II battles require tons of ammunition. In this case the player will be toting both hoppers and magazines. This requires the gun to be a Splitfire Paintball gun option. Warriors can use both actions. But for the short mission the magazine is sufficient.

During the heat of battle the magazine fed Paintball Gun could jam if the magazine fails. This fear is realistic. So the hopper fans stick to their old faithful Paintball Gear.

If you are a weekend Paintball player and you have not gone fanatical, the hopper is the easiest and most used marker. An added benefit to the hopper is the affordability factor. Because tactical paintball has had enormous growth in popularity the magazine fed markers will not fade away.


Source by Mary Ellen Mahaffey

Can Indigestion Be Improved With Yoga?


Indigestion, acidity, heartburn and constipation are common digestive disorders that can be the result of sluggish metabolism, improper eating habits, busy lifestyle or simply mental stress. Yoga strives to inculcate healthy living and dietary habits; it creates equilibrium of the body and mind. Its postures work out every organ, gland and muscle of the body, shape them up and provide cure from almost every illness. A series of asanas is beneficial for the digestive system too. It will take some regular performance, at least one week, for these postures to be effective but the reward will be enduring and permanent. Yoga must be performed on an empty stomach; after a heavy meal wait for four hours, after a light meal wait for two hours, and wait at least half an hour if you have taken a cup of tea or a glass of juice. It is also important to wear loose and light clothes so that your movements are not limited.

When you assume recommended yoga poses, they treat indigestion by confining the flow of blood to certain parts of the body, on release, oxygen enriched blood rushes to the digestive organs and the healing quality of oxygen enables them to perform accurately. Stretching and bending exercises elongate the abdominal area and make the discharge of gases from the body easy. Latent energy that is trapped inside the stomach and intestines causes various digestive problems; breathing exercise or Pranayama, through controlled breathing, set this energy free. After performing yoga you experience a soothing and calming of the body and mind, your worries and tensions become insignificant; this relaxes your digestive system enabling it to digest and eliminate efficiently.

Cobra, Hero, Reclining Bound Angle and an upright modification of Side Stretch poses are adopted to treat indigestion. In some of these asanas, entire weight of the body is exerted on the stomach; this tones and strengthens stomach muscles enabling them to digest food properly and then cleanse the body of waste material. All standing postures like Triangle and Revolve Triangle, Extended Side Angle, Warrior and Crescent Moon in a lunge position facilitate digestion. Most of the balancing leg positions are also of assistance in this malady.

Forward bends enlarge the abdominal region; they also heat the front part of the body and cool the back of the body. Twists also improve digestive process. Inversions are a complicated routine of yoga, but they are fundamental for inner harmony, general fitness and good absorption of food. Headstand and Shoulder Stand relieve the pressure of digestion by reversing the impact of gravity on the intestines and stomach. These positions should be maintained for a few minutes to reap optimum advantage. Even if your indigestion or other digestive disorders are chronic, you frequently suffer from them or you have been a patient for a long time, taking up yoga consistently and methodically will be a great help. Yoga will instill good eating habits; when you will eat fiber enriched-food like fresh vegetables and fruits, it will be an added advantage in digestion.


Source by Ramos chris

The Individuality of Protagonists in Lee's to Kill a Mockingbird and Shakespeare's Hamlet


For Western literature, the concept of individuality is a remarkably recent innovation. It goes without saying that the classics feature a lot of remarkable individual characters, but they are only remarkable in their ability to meet and exceed the highest expectations of their roles in society. (Just think Beowulf playing the ultimate male part as the warrior, provider, and peace-keeper.) This is why so many old stories end in weddings, which are basically an initiation rite for turning individuals into a group unit.

To illustrate a point, let's look at the protagonists of Hamlet and To Kill a Mockingbird. In the former, Prince Hamlet's nonconformity turns the play into a tragedy, whereas in the latter, Scout's development into an independent thinker makes the novel a bildungsroman.

Hamlet is brooding, passive aggressive, deceptive, and utterly uncompromising. Even if you love him for it, these are not exactly princely qualities. At a time when he (and the rest of the kingdom) is expected to get over the former king and buddy up to the new one, all Hamlet can do is grieve. He even distinguishes himself from his peers visually by wearing the dark clothes of mourning.

When the ghost of Hamlet, Sr. informs Hamlet, Jr. that his death was a murder – and a fratricidal one at that – Hamlet proceeds to … do nothing about it. For four acts. If this strikes you as unthinkably passive, imagine how unacceptable it would have been back in the day when sword fighting was the way to settle a score. To make matters worse, Hamlet is painfully aware of his inaction; for example, when he notices a soldier marching to fight for something that does not even concern him, Hamlet despairs in his failure not only as a male, but also as a prince and a son.

As if he were not isolated enough to begin with, Hamlet further distinguishes himself from the royal court by pretending to be insane. He takes on the role of the lunatic outcast with such dedication that even after accidentally slaying his girlfriend's dad – knowing full well what THAT will do for their relationship – he pretends not to give a damn.

Of course, Hamlet does eventually fulfill his son-ly obligation by murdering his uncle, but only after he's already been fatally poisoned by Laertes's sword. The change in Hamlet's inertia is also the moment of his destruction, symbolically representing the sacrifice of individuality on the altar of the whole. ( With In case Shakespeare didnt not quite get across That, he Ophelia Also makes a commit suicide after losing her by mind.)

If this is not your idea of ​​a pick-me-upper, you'll be happy to turn your attention to the twentieth-century thinking of To Kill a Mockingbird. According to Harper Lee's characterization of Scout Finch, developing into an individual is the truest way to become a functioning member of adult society.

While Scout has a very strong personality (not to mention, the remarkable advantage of being Atticus Finch's daughter), she does not start out as an especially strong character. Much of her knuckle-dusting toughness is simply learned behavior from spending too much time with an older brother. Moreover, despite being (relatively) culturally enlightened, Scout drops the n-bomb with as much ease as the next bigot and expresses utter amazement upon realizing that her black caretaker has a life, family, and community of her own.

Of course, without her eventual foray into the thinking, feeling world of nonconformity, Scout would not be much of a protagonist. As she matures, she learns to be more "ladylike" – not because her Aunty thinks it's socially appropriate, but because she no longer feels the need to react against a female stereotype by modeling herself after her big brother. (After all, whether you're working against it or adhering to it, letting popular opinion dictate your behavior shows a lack of independent thinking.)

When Atticus agrees to defend Tom Robinson in court, Scout witnesses the mindlessness of mob mentality firsthand, as nameless, faceless men attempt to ambush her father in the night. On an even larger scale, witnessing the blatant injustice of Tom Robinson's conviction (and subsequent slaying) opens Scout's eyes to the blinding power of group thinking.

Scout's development as an independent thinker is mirrored by the Boo Radley subplot, wherein she learns to substitute local legend with her own unique experience. For Scout – and for us luck twenty-first-century folk – coming of age means coming into your own.


Source by Paul Thomson

Building Global Leaders – Issues and Challenges


"The Era of globalization is fast becoming the preferred term for describing the current times. Just as the expression the cold Era was and the space age are used to describe for particular periods of history just the same way the globalization describes the political, the economic and the cultural psyche of today.

People around the globe are more connected to each other than ever before. Information and money flow more quickly than ever. Goods and services produced in one country are increasingly available in all parts of the world. International travel is more frequent and international communication has become commonplace. This phenomenon has been titled as "globalization".

Before we start let us clarify who is a leader & what are the principles of leadership. A leader is one who:
· Walks uphill – an arduous but adventurous path
· Has a dream, makes strategic business choices, which he translates into a vision.
· Has big picture and a long term vision
· Shares the vision to inspire and mobilize people to deploy their potentials and energy.
· Encounters constraints but persists
· Provides support and gets best out of every one including the mediocre and non-performers
· Makes and difference
· Creates new work culture through professionalism.
· Leaves a mark through delivery of goals and objectives and results.
· Contributes by giving shape to the organization and its growth. (Parikh Indira J, Unpublished consultancy report)

· Know yourself and seek self-improvement
· Be technically proficient
· Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions
· Make sound and timely decisions
· Set the organization
· Know your profile and look out for their well-being
· Keep your people informed
· Develop a sense responsibility in your people
· Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised and accomplished
· Train your people as a team
· Use the full capabilities of your own

Today's Indians and Indian organization present mixed images of their potentials and their present. There was a time, many eons ago when India as a century reflected quality of products and a country fill of wealth and riches, which was plundered many times ever with the beginnings of industrialization and the starting of assembly line mass production India initiated processes of adapting , adopting and borrowing western technology, management structures tools and techniques and management knowledge from the west.

Today's industrialized India and its organization are considered to be produces of shabby goods, borrowers of all technology and products aping the west is life style and living reflecting the image of poverty over populations and lacking all infrastructure of education health and hygiene for its citizens.

For all the talk about global organization. There is no definitive answer to the question of what, exactly we mean by 'global' is it a presence in multiple countries or is it a cultural adaptability or a multilingual executive team? However, in today's world every organization and executives face a barrage of leadership challenges culturing around the globe. These challenges appear constantly as recurring trends in today's world of work, and which are mentioned below.

Transition is becoming a long – term reality in today's world of work. Changing technology and a global economy are two of the leading factors driving these trends. Organizational change, such as downsizing, merger or restructuring has become the norm for the transformation of organization. The anxieties and apprehensions triggered of the transition period the centered around the following themes.

1.Introduction of new state of the art technology or upgrading technology generated tremendous anxiety and apprehensions for employees in the organizations. To a majority of employee's introduction of new technology meant streamlining of the organization and as such reduction in people across levels. The employees are intelligent and experienced to know that in order for the organization to be competitive and cost effective the numbers had to come down drastically. The nagging question confronted by most employees was what would the organization do with the additional people if they did not ask them to leave? Many CEOs reassured the employees that they would not be asked to leave but the performance needed to improve which would then be monitored and measured. Lack of answers to these questions made most employees uncertain of their location and jobs in the organization.

2.Redesigning of organization structure meant reallocation of existing people in key positions. The designers and policy makers held these decisions back for a long time and there was very little transparency in the decisions. This added to the fear and anxieties at the staff and managerial level. The lack of openness and transparency in sharing this thinking created gossip, speculations and inferences, which created panic and unrealistic versions and meanings of reality. The process of articulation was held back as there were concerns and apprehensions about throwing out some of the loyal, dedicated and sincere employees who had truly become redundant.

3.Whatever was known of restructuring and redefining of managerial roles through the grapevine or directly suggested was that some functions were bound to become redundant or non-existent. Those functional role-holders became quite apprehensive of their status, location and position in the new set up. The lack of information, uncertainty and ambiguity added fuel to the fire in the organization. The management came under great criticism for bringing change in the organization without including the employees or inviting their participation.

4.The hierarchical layered structure got attention to be redesigned to a flat structure. This meant removing or reducing the disparity, which existed amongst levels as well as across levels of management. However, this also created anxiety around issues of redundancy and limited opportunities for growth or career path.

The global organizations themselves are grappling with the flux and transition and responding to transformation in different ways. Today, the task of the new leader is to influence and direct through ideas and imagination, to share power instead of amassing it. Avers Warren Bennis: "Whips and chains are no longer an alternative; Leaders must learn to change the nature of power and how it is employed" (Jayakar, Roshni, 1996).

Leaders who invest personally in the process of developing future leaders are also building the most precious of organizational assets. The long-run success of leaders can not be measured by whether they win today or tomorrow. The measure will be whether their company is still winning 15 years from now, when a new generation of leaders has taken over. (Tichy Noel, 1999).

Transformation means redesigning business processes, even inventing new ones. Business Processes should be redesigned to contribute simplicity, speeds and balances. Change masters use information technology to alter the basis of competition.

Hearts and Minds: Transformation is a people issue. The way they handle change makes the difference between success and failure. Harvard Professor John Kotter writes "Transformation is impossible unless hundreds or thousands of people are willing to help. Employees will not make sacrifices, even if they are unhappy with the status quo, unless they believe that useful change is possible. Without credible communication and a lot of it, the hearts and minds of the troops are never captured ".

Present success does not guarantee future success. And neither does change. Organizations in the process of transforming themselves must do so in the context of their long-term corporate goals. Company leaders should ask themselves: "How do we anticipate change?" "How do we manage it" ?.

Managers and organization today face a host of leadership challenges. These challenges are of fell nature.

1) Transformation: – Transformation is becoming a long-term reality in today's work place. Changing technology and a global economy are two of the leading factors, which the leader has to face. The best laid plans for organizational a structural change are frequently undermined by a failure to exist strong leadership. So successfully navigate the transition leaders and organization needs to understand the human side of transition and build a culture of trust. As such leader needs to willing to explore and learn from their own emotional transitions in order to foster such efforts in others.

2) Cultural Adaptability: – Cultural adaptability is the willingness and ability to recognize, understand and work effectively across cultural differences. These differences can include language, religion and social customers, among others. As the organization becomes more global, cultural adaptability is becoming a vital skill for managerial success.
A Culturally adaptable global leader can:

· Evaluate the work of others in a culturally neutral way.
· Effectively select and develop people in multiple cultural settings.
· Inspire information sharing among individuals who as not know / see each others.
· Motivate multicultural teams, effectively.

3) Conflict management: – Difficult interactions, hidden organization end as, tensions and frustration can all trigger off conflict in the workplace. Ongoing conflict can sabotage productivity, cooperation and communication. However, when leaders manage conflict effectively, organization can experience positive benefits, such as better decision-making, a more open environment and an organization that stimulates creativity and innovation. To manage conflicts, leaders need to learn to recognize it and then address it.

4) Emotional Intelligence / Effective Relationships: – Emotional intelligence is more than just a buzz word. It's at the core of a leader's ability to relate well to others leaders are unable to generate the commitment alignment and culture needed to survive and thrive in complex times. The ability to build effective relationships is one of the most important key components of leadership challenges.

Building a resilient work force requires authentic emotional leadership from managers who understand the links between emotions, vulnerability, learning and adaptability.
The world's most successful companies know that changing before the next downturn or market shift indeed, changing before you have to – is the new rule of the game. As Jack Welch says, "Change should not be event", but rather a continuous process in the quest for success. (Salazar Rachael, 1995).

The fact that globalization is having such an impact on many organization means that the number of people prepared to invest in understanding global leadership is increasing. However, the organization needs to build and nourish the leaders. But question is on what basis the systematic global leadership can be build. Many studies levels that truly great organization do not select their leader from outside.

Many organizations have system that constantly assess, develop, motivate and monitor leadership. They provide a strong continuity of excellence from within. As such an effective global leader is emerged through the leadership continuity loop.

Leadership needs to be assessed from two perspectives that of the individual leader and the economic and strategic needs of the organization. However, global leader needs to review the demands to which the organization is play. This is very important because global leaders operate across multiple economics on the organization may look dramatically different.

However, the organization needs to assess the behavioral competing of global leaders. For that, the organization needs to create a framework, which describes the attributes in terms of visible actions that when applied consistently in organizational settings will have direct impact on the sustainability of the organization. Behavioral competency of global leader can be identified on the basis of set of leadership competencies that are required for high performance and the ability to operate in a fast changing world, as researched by Prof. Harry Schroder a US expert on leadership competencies. Prof. Schroder framework identifies clusters of behavioral strengths cluster into four sets Strategic, Participative, charismatic and performance.

Though assessment is key to leadership success, it is also important to stress that the organization needs to design work focused on rigorous benchmarks for assessing leadership potential and capability as it will enables the organization to create a comprehensive and measurable yardstick of leaders. This can be possible if the organization facilitate the leaders to fell the leadership continuity process.


To successfully navigate change leaders and organization need to understand the human side of transition and build a culture of trust.

Having lived in comfort zones for long periods of time, the organization is now experiencing the pain and turmoil of dislocation from these zones. However, if change has to take place and if new choices have to be operationalized, this dislocation is necessary. The organization is grappling with new directions. Pockets of enthusiasm, anticipation, an eagerness to take on challenges and an inner urge for movement and growth are beginning to emerge throughout the organization.
However, the perfect global leader is the one who processes the characteristics and competencies of the following nature.

· Ability to emotionally connect with others
· Ability to instill values
· Accountability
· Articulating a tangible vision / values ​​/ strategy
· Balancing global versus local tensions
· Building organizational networks
· Catalyst for cultural change
· Catalyst for strategic change
· Interlinkages and managing cross-cultural ethics
· Global business savvy
· Global organizational savvy
· Global mindset
· Global networking
· Recognition expertise
· Learning orientation

Global leadership is an important factor in future business success. By recognizing the expectations of leaders, organization needs to be better equipped to guide global leaders and create a pool of potential leadership talent for the future.


Source by Dr.

Cold Objectivity Can Be Your Warmest Friend


When effort escapes you and you feel tired, but anyhow realize that you do have to go on and finish what you are endeavoring in doing despite feelings of tiredness and laziness that may get in the way of ultimate accomplishment; the only way out and way to a second wind is cold, objective "machine-like" persistence. Do this, until you realize the way past your worst enemies which are the feelings of tiredness and laziness. The first sentence may seem to ramble, but I had to fit the gist of this article into one sentence so that the rest could be explained palatably and broken down realistically with full purity of understanding.

Realize that your best friend is success and discipline. Realize the reality of the situation that should be welcomed and realized and follow that reality. That is the only reality that counts. No other fantasy does count. No other fantasy works. Only reality is reality. Now, sure, this article does indeed seem like a pep talk of sorts. It is not. It is a genuine call to integrate your life with what you honestly want out of life within yourself and then outside of yourself. In that order. You as a conscious being with consciousness are your own choice maker, choice fixer and your own technician. In this aspect, fear and irrational subjectivity is your worst enemy. It causes quitting, failure and destruction if you let it. Note that I use the words "let it". Because, since you have consciousness and a choice in all matters if you have the intelligence and functionality to understand this article, you always have a choice to create success and do the efforts on your part to create success. For peace of mind does not come from enemies, but it only comes from friends who are completely for you no matter what. That is the kind of friend self made success is, a friend that will not betray you except when you waver or sabotage your own efforts. Indeed, you must listen to yourself genuinely to know, ascertain and achieve, in that order, what you genuinely want, need and achieve in a genuinely valuable way.

Life is made and created by coldly rational universal laws that are invariably workable and unchangeable. When used right they create and produce warm, happy emotions and workable reality. When used wrong, they create failure, frustration and sadness. This concept in this short paragraph is the key to understanding how and why to be consistently successful in a self made, self created way.

So, sure, I am coldly rational and honest. But my feelings as I am writing this article are warm and helpful, this is an example I am talking about when I write this article. I know a writer is not supposed to use himself as an example while and about writing his own article, but if you want firsthand proof that this advice works, it is best shown in that way. For honesty is as honesty does, shows, and then is for real. For no one is free or good until they are totally honest with all, including themselves. This is the concept of genuine self abnegation, and please note, I do not mean anything altruistic or irrationally sacrificing, I do mean totally rational thought and act that is self interest oriented, but does encompass compassion for others within total reason. I would say that that altruism and irrational sacrifice is "beyond me", but I will not, now that I understand the real, genuine and honest nature of these things. People who sacrifice what they want and love, just are immaturely out to look good to themselves and others and not even to maturely fulfill themselves in any rational way. Destructively fulfilling irrational emotional needs is not maturity, it is destruction and dishonesty. It is being an enemy to yourself and practicing self hate. Maturity and self fulfillment is the ultimate in self love, consistency, self discipline and success.

Indeed, to practice understanding and loving yourself is not immature. As it is also mature to create a great and desirable life for yourself. Doing what is genuinely best for yourself then all others after that is the best approach to life, because you can not love others if you do not love yourself first then pay yourself first, in that order. Rational discipline works this way as a coldly objective universal law that does not vary. For indeed, you can not benefit anyone else or pay anyone else without having what you have yourself. Self responsibility is power, genuine power.


Source by Joshua Clayton

Bertha Koessler-Ilg and Her Mapuche Indian Tales


(The Mapuche people tell tales)
by Bertha Koessler née Ilg
Published by Mare Nostrum Ltda., Santiago – Chile, 2006
Edited by Rolf Foerster González
Translated by Lieselotte Schwarzenberg M., Ph.D.
ISBN, complete edition: 978-84-96391-10-9
ISBN, first volume: 978-84-96391-11-6
Printed in Chile

Although the translation of these books from German into Spanish had been requested and completed a few years earlier, the new edition of Mapuche tales, collected during long years of patient work by Bertha Koessler née Ilg in San Martín de Los Andes, Argentina, was finally launched in May 2007 in Santiago, Chile.

Bertha Koessler was German and born in 1881 at Obernzell, Bavaria. As a young girl she spent some time on the Island of Malta, where an uncle of hers was German consul. There she searched after folkloric and traditional traits of that island's original people. Later, after studying and graduating as a nurse in Germany, she married the young physician Rudolf Koessler. Together they emigrated to Argentina and lived for some years in Buenos Aires, working at the city's German Hospital. However, their spirit of adventure had not been satisfied as yet; thus, after being informed that there existed a small town named San Martín de los Andes in the Argentine Patagonia, far away and undeveloped, where there was no doctor, they decided to visit the place and finally settled there for good. Here they raised their family, and Bertha shared her time between her tasks as a mother and housewife and as her husband's assistant. But she also dedicated much time to collect old tales of the region's indigenous population, of which many came to see the doctor, and this was an endeavor she very much enjoyed. With some of these Mapuche Indians she was able to hold long conversations and little by little won their trust so that finally they became her friends.

She tells us that she usually had to make great efforts to overcome the Indians' natural shyness and reluctance to reveal anything of their Mapuche background, because that was thought to be against the commandments of their deities. However, slowly and patiently Frau Bertha was able to win their confidence while learning their language, the Mapudungun. She must have mastered the tongue very well as becomes evident from the German explanations she adds to each Mapudungun term. In the evenings, after having listened attentively to the stories the Mapuche Indians told her, she sat down and carefully recorded them in German, inserting original Mapudungun expressions followed by the German translations of their meaning.

Although Frau Bertha spoke seven languages, including Arabian and Mapudungun, German was her native tongue and it is not only logical that she preferred to express her thoughts in this language, but it was also the correct procedure, as we translators very well know.

The collection of her manuscripts is very extensive and includes not only tales as such, but also a complete research of the indigenous culture with poems, songs, prayers, magical practices, riddles, children's games, traditions and even a glossary of the Mapudungun language. This first part of her work was published in 1962 by the Instituto de Filología de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata in Buenos Aires and now has been reprinted without changes. However, her collection of Mapuche myths and legends, tales and fables had not been published at all, possibly due to the fact that they were all written in German. In spite of Frau Berta's great efforts to find persons or a publishing company who would show interest for the subject, compile and publish her work, she did not succeed. Thus, many years went by, and the valuable collection stayed unpublished.

At her time the Mapudungun language was not generally considered as important as, for instance, the Quechua or the Guaraní, which have been conserved and spoken by the natives of Perú and Bolivia and of Paraguay even after the Spanish conquest and colonial times, until today . At present that concept has changed in favor of the Mapudungun thanks to important studies undertaken by some Catholic priests, mainly Father Ernesto Wilhelm Moesbach, who lived and worked in the Chilean Araucanía region and published glossaries of the Mapudungun language (Voz de Arauco, first edition july 1944. Registration number 10492, printed in Padre Las Casas, Chile).

The Koessler family wanted to meet Frau Bertha's wish to compile all of their grandmother's tales and publish them in Spanish, even more so after Bertha Koessler died in 1965 without having been able to accomplish her goal. In Chile, the anthropologist Rolf Foerster and Juan Arribas, Director of the Spanish publisher Mare Nostrum, in addition to other personalities, undertook the task and thus, after many years and hindrances, Bertha Koessler's tales collection landed on my desk with the request to translate them into Spanish. They make up for two more volumes.

Although some subjects, especially those referring to Mapuche uses and beliefs, are repeated along the large amount of tales, it is enormously interesting to study these peoples' idiosyncrasy. Many times appear the so called "machis" (medicine women) and sorcerers who kept the people in a state of fright through their witchcraft and curses, wherewith they could persecute those who did not obey their orders. They used to kidnap young girls and submit them to cruel slavery; their power could not be thwarted and, therefore, nobody dared to challenge them. Until one day a young hero appears who confronts and vanquishes the monster, usually in great and dangerous adventures. Here we see a certain similarity with some European tales like, for instance, those of the German Grimm brothers or the Spanish knight novels.

There also are stories about natural cataclysms and they even tell of a long period of rains and darkness suffered by the Indians, that had been imposed on them by one of their deities. This reminds us of the biblical Flood. The most dangerous of those gods and who is mentioned very frequently was the Pillán, who was supposed to live on the Villarrica volcano. He used to unshackle terrible storms and destroyed mountains, forests, rivers and everything he found at hand in his fury. In Chile we do know such natural catastrophes like earthquakes, floods, etc. Thus, the Mapuche tales reflect the geographic, meteorological and seismic reality of this part of the South American subcontinent.

Among the reports there also are historical episodes as, for instance, the exodus of a large Mapuche tribe that emigrated to the other side of the mountains, that is, to Chile, of which they spoke as a land of shadows and darkness, where water abounds and one suffers of cold and bad climate conditions. Later on, these folks returned to their original homeland in Argentina, where their fellows gave them some land so they could live again in their natural environment and according to their ancient custom. They also tell about wars among different tribes, that used to be very cruel and bloody and always ended by the winner abducting the women and taking all goods of the defeated. Some stories tell about the Spanish invasion and the mistrust felt by the Indians against those warriors who could shoot instead of fighting with arrows, "bolas" or else, hand to hand. They refer to the powerful "Winka" (white man) king who lived at the other side of the "great pond", meaning the ocean, and who sent his soldiers to conquer new lands for him. However, they say that this king was kind and just, but that his armies committed all kinds of abuses against the Indians, openly violating the rules that their king had instructed them to follow. This is a very remarkable feature.

Also present are tales about life after death, about the dead and their transcendent life. Living persons use to communicate with the deceased, and the latter come out of the lakes, on whose ground they go on existing. From there they return to visit their relatives and haunt their old homes. Sometimes they take a loved one along with them into the deep waters, after which the end of the stories might be a temporary return to earth or the definitive disappearance of the hero or the heroine.

The translation itself was a long and laborious endeavor, not lacking of difficulties due mainly to the purpose of reproducing as best as possible the simple, almost primitive language used by the Mapuches and that Bertha Koessler succeeded so well to imitate in German. She uses many Mapudungun words, after which she immediately adds their meaning in German, therewith clarifying quite accurately what the Mapuche relator wants to express. However, it is not easy to reproduce in Spanish the Mapuche way of talking. For this reason the Spanish publisher found it necessary to edit the entire primary translation text so as to make it more fluent, although thereby much of the faithfulness of the original expression was lost. This was an inevitable cost that had to be assumed for literary reasons.

The publication of Bertha Koessler's magnificent work is a great achievement. It is worthwhile to note that, after so many years of frustration for the author because she could not find a publisher, finally her work was published in Chile and not in Argentina, where she lived and loved. However, it must be considered that the Mapuche people are much more numerous in our country than in Argentina, from where they originally came.


Source by Lieselotte Schwarzenberg

Get Rid of Your Inner Coward in 6 Easy Steps!


It was not too long ago that I found myself (ex-coward) at a family dinner in a cute restaurant downtown. The waiter brought me what I had ordered (which was salmon by the way) and soon afterwards I realized it was not cooked as much as I had asked. I still finished my dinner but certainly did not enjoy it as much. I thought about letting him know but my inner coward did not let me.

I am sure you've found yourself in a similar situation in the past. You want to speak up but something inside you says you should play "nice". But what if playing nice ends up against you and makes people think you can not stand up for yourself.

I am not talking about being over-aggressive but a certain amount of assertiveness will certainly make you gain the respect of your surroundings. Maybe even the admiration of the other gender.

So here are 6 easy steps to get rid of your inner coward that worked great for me:

1. Initiate conversation. Although this might seem like a huge hurdle to overcome it really is easy. Start by talking to people in the elevator. I would not recommend commenting on anything personal, just casual conversation about something general. Personal comments will make you look weird and too aggressive. Talk about something in your building, or ask a question about the area you live. Something in these lines. This will help you overcome the inhibition of starting a conversation and give you confidence.

2. Look at people in the eyes. The one sign that will mark you as a coward is avoiding eye contact. You will look like you are lying or have something to hide. It works in the opposite way too. Look at people straight in the eyes and the last thing they will think about you is that you are weak or a coward. Now do not overdo it and do not stare for too long because it can turn against you.

3. Next time you walk in the street hold your head up and make eye contact. It might seem silly but some subtle signs like these can say a lot about your personality. They can not only affect the people around you but also your own self-esteem. Again avoid prolonged eye contact but try to look at them until THEY decide to look elsewhere. Like a game.

4. Express your desires. Most of us that have not suppressed our "inner coward" yet think that expressing our desires will make us sound rude and aggressive. This could not be any further from true. Letting other people know what your opinion is and what you want from them will not only make you sound honest but gain their respect too. It is OK to do what you want and avoid what you do not like. But listen to them too and show respect to their wishes.

5. Do not apologize too often. "I am sorry, can I ask you something …" or "Sorry to bother you, but …". Nothing wrong with talking like this except for the fact that you start a conversation by putting yourself at an inferior position. How about being in an equal position? "Good morning, can I ask you something …" or "I noticed that …" would make you sound more confident. It is all about subliminal messages you pass to the other person. He might not even notice why, but he will probably think you do not have a very strong character. STOP giving messages that make you look like a coward when you are not!

6. Join the local gym. Not only will it make you look better and feel better about yourself. It will boost your adrenaline and make you more aggressive. If you think I'm wrong, give it a try and see why it will make you forget you ever acted like you were a coward when you are NOT!

Last piece of advice: Do not expect all those tricks to work just because you practiced once. Give it some time. At least one month I would say. Building a stronger character can take a lifetime but you'll see yourself changing very soon and be PROUD of it.


Source by John Stamm

Best Ways To Support Stroke Awareness


During a stroke, the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain is cut off. A stroke occurs suddenly and without any warning , but has very clear symptoms. Strokes are the fifth leading cause of death in the US and a leading cause of long-term disability. Few people are aware that up to 80 percent of strokes are preventable by reducing the risk factors for stroke and knowing what stroke actually looks like.

What Are the Main Risk Factors for Stroke ?

  • Advanced age
  • Family history of strokes
  • Tobacco use and smoking
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes and glucose metabolism
  • Lack of exercise and obesity

What Symptoms Should You Look For?

The sooner you notice these major signs and symptoms of a stroke and call 911, the better the chance of saving the victim's life and shortening his or her recovery time.

  • Sudden specific numbness in one part of the body
  • Sudden dizziness and / or loss of coordination
  • Sudden trouble seeing with one or both eyes
  • Sudden confusion and trouble speaking
  • Sudden severe headache with no known cause


The National Stroke Association makes sure as many people as possible have access to educational information on the subject. It recommends the "FAST" test, which is an easy way to help people recognize the sudden signs and symptoms of a stroke. The FAST campaign encourages Americans to achieve a better understanding of the warning signs, as spotting these signs can mean the difference between life and death. The acronym stands for F acial drooping, A rm weakness, S peech difficulties and T ime. Even if these symptoms go away, you will know that you need to get this person to a hospital. Immediately call the nearest hospital's emergency room!

Awareness Is the Key to Prevent Stroke Emergency

National Stroke Awareness Month is May. It was created to increase public awareness about stroke prevention and the impact of stroke on survivors and their families. The United States government, along with several associations and other NGOs, works to provide key resources to the public. There are many ways for you to join the effort to raise awareness and show your support for the cause. Look for different opportunities for a marketing campaign to attract people to participate in your cause for National Stroke Awareness Month. Promote your event to raise awareness in your community. Try some of the following:

  • Social media: You can post stroke awareness facts, news and statistics on your Facebook wall throughout the month and even update your profile picture with a banner in honor of National Stroke Awareness Month.
  • Personalized silicone wristbands: This is a very powerful promotional tool for all types of awareness campaigns, as it's fully customizable – you can add your own message, choose a specific color, and choose from a variety of widths, fonts and styles. Inspire everyone around with messages such as: "Stroke Hero", "I'm in Love With a Stroke Warrior", and "Act FAST"
  • Articles: Prepare a stroke awareness article with a personal story of someone you know and send it to your local newspaper, and do not forget to include information about stroke signs and symptoms.
  • "Act FAST" leaflets: Get involved by distributing colorful leaflets and posters with stroke guidelines, info-graphics, and links to patient information resources.


Source by Ryan Smith

Is Hot Yoga Good For Kids and Teens?


Is heated yoga cool for kids?

Seems that this hot secret is finally out: kids can benefit from hot yoga as much as adults. And even more so.

As such, many hot yoga studios are seeing an uptick in the attendance of youngsters, particularly tweens.

On the physical level, yoga has been shown to enhance physical flexibility, coordination and strength, all of which makes children less injury-prone on the playing field. And kids of all ages play a lot of sports in school and after school, including college level sports.

On an emotional level, children who practice yoga often show increased self-esteem. They are better able to focus on tasks and manage stress in school including tests, homework, and a social life which can become quite stressful as they enter the tween years.

My own two children started yoga with me when they were 14 and 17 (my daughter actually attended yoga with me when she was 5 years old; but she started practicing on her own at 14). Both are athletes – my daughter Carly plays league softball and football and is an avid cross-country biker and hiker. My son Zach is a black belt in karate and recently started Capoeira.

My kids credit hot yoga with years of injury-free athletics.

I credit it with maintaining my sanity through their teenage years.

What is hot yoga?

Traditional Hot 26 yoga is done in 105 degrees with 40% humidity, a 26 pose sequence for 90 minutes.

The teacher is charged with keeping everyone both safe and challenged to their max, so rest assured: your kids will be well cared for in the heat.

Benefits for Young Athletes

Kids can play rough.

True hot yoga enhances flexibility, coordination and strength, all of which makes children less injury-prone on the playing field. That's one reason more and more high school coaches – football, baseball, soccer and hockey – are recommending hot yoga to their young athletes.

In addition, children who practice often report increased self-esteem and are better able to handle stress including tests, homework, and a busy after school schedule.

And what teenager would not benefit from a large dose of self-direction?

Yoga-kids also tend to better manage emotional challenges with patience, tolerance, and, let's say the L word: love.

At what age can children do hot yoga ?

In my opinion as a yoga teacher, age 10 is about the earliest a young student can fully manage the stamina and balance, as well as heat acclimatization needed to full enjoy the 90 minute hot class.

Make sure they drink plenty of water – half their body weight in ounces – so they go into class already well-hydrated.

Should parents bring their children to yoga? A heated debate …

I love seeing parents and their children doing hot yoga together and bonding over a sweaty class.

Even when tweens or teens have little in common with their parents, they can still enjoy this challenge together. Being warriors together in yoga class can offer a respite from battling each another.

One caution for the parent: stop being a parent while you're in class with your kids! Do not correct them, scold them, do not even place your mat where you can see them – otherwise the temptation to parent them will be too great.

Let the yoga teacher handle everything in the class; enjoy your practice and let your kid enjoy hers.

Yoga teaches balance, body control, it even teaches focus and concentration. These yoga-inspired traits are something every youngster can carry well into adulthood and turn into lifelong habits for happiness and success.

And a reminder of the value of patience, self love and a time when your body was a lot more flexible, are great for the child in all of us adults, too.

By Rhonda Uretzky, E-RYT

Lambertville NJ, November 22, 2011


Source by Rhonda Uretzky