Perseverance and Motivation


Perseverance is defined as "doggedness: persistent determination!"

These are some pretty strong terms. "Doggedness," tends to paint a picture of a big German Shepherd dog enjoying and protecting his bone. Just listen to him … chew, chomp, chew, chomp. He is determined not to quit and it sounds like he's really enjoying it because he is still going strong even after an hour. That's perseverance! By the way, never get between a dog and his bone! 🙂

Accomplishing dreams depends on the same kind of determined perseverance. Perseverance is the winning element that separates the mediocre achievers from those who are extremely successful and stand out in our society. Imagine combining perseverance with passionate motivation, when working toward a goal. This combination becomes a sure-fire winner that demands nothing less then over-the-top success. Remember the dog and his bone? Well, do not ever get between the motivated, persevering achiever and success.

Sports teams are a great example of perseverance. The score is 7 to 2 for the visiting team. The losing home team rallies around the coach during a break. The coach's most important task is to motivate his players into a motivated attitude of perseverance. Focus on what was good in the first part of the game and continue in that direction with a renewed passion for winning.

If the home team was asked about their emotions, when the score is not in their favor, they would probably say that they felt discouraged, inept, incapable, defeated and even wanted to quit. Quit, because losing seemed inevitable and they focused only on the negative. Giving in to these temporary emotions is NOT a recipe for success. Successful people NEVER give in to these momentary feelings.

Defeated and negative emotions never linger long. They are extinguished as soon as the focus changes from the negative to the positive. It takes effort to change concentrations from the negative mistakes and failures and pay attention only to the positives of accomplished goals and being a successful winner.

Back to the sports team. The key to their success is perseverance. They did not give up even when they felt like it. They went out with a new positive attitude and played even better in the last part of the game then they did in the first part. They achieved their goal and finished the game with 17 to 12. The reason for their success? Perseverance and focusing on the positives!

This same perseverance is the key that successful entrepreneurs depend on. After all, that's how they got to where they are now.

Cultivating Perseverance in 4 Easy Steps

1. Make up our mind to continue even though our family / colleagues have already quit.

Often those closest to us try to "protect" us from, what they see as, a mistake. They do everything in their power to discourage us and continually tell us that it is an impossible task.

If we choose to make up our mind that we want to accomplish our dreams, then we need to make some choices that produce the winning results we want. The first step is to limit contact with the well-meaning, but negative influences of short-sighted people around us, until the goal is successfully accomplished.

Keep company with only those who encourage and promote our cause. These people add-value to our life and share our vision. Positive influence is critical when working hard with perseverance to achieve the success that dreams are made of.

2. Always stay focused on the end result of winning – never on set-backs encountered to get there.

It is very easy to keep looking at failure and continue dwelling there. The more time spent focusing on failure, the larger it begins to look. Soon it becomes so huge that it completely over-whelms and intimidates. When this happens, weak-in-the-knees syndrome sets in and causes us to just quit.

It takes just as much energy to see the positive side as it does the negative. Energy should be used wisely and focused only on the positive, while leaving the negative behind. Place a label on the negatives and call them, "Obstacles." The sole purpose of an obstacle is to provide another opportunity in redoing an uncompleted process with some variable changes. Then focus on what went right and continue to persevere. Repeat these steps until the process is successful.

3. Keep track of what works. Learn from others and do not re-invent the wheel.

While working toward that ultimate goal, notice what works during the completion of each task. Re-use the processes on this list of "what works" repeatedly.

When looking for a new procedure, learn from what others did. Follow their example and insert some personalized changes to adapt the process. If it works, great! Keep track of it. If it does not quite meet the required specifications, change what needs adjusting and try again. Persevere! Do not quit! Do not see it as a failure, only as an obstacle providing another chance to redo the process.

4. Keep motivation levels at an all-time positive high.

Motivation needs to be our 24/7 companion in order to achieve the success we truly want.

Let's look at the following picture:

Motivation is the gasoline that drives the car. Perseverance is the cruise control that maintains an acceptable level of speed. Negative set-backs is a flat tire or speeding ticket. Success is arrival at the desired destination.

What is the most important element in this picture? Look at the list again and reorder them with # 1 as most important and # 4 as the least important.

1. Gasoline (motivation)?
2. Cruise Control (perseverance)?
3. Flat tire / ticket (negative set-backs)?
4. Arrival at the destination (success)?

The order we select is very revealing in how we achieve success:

If motivation is the most important, our emphasis is on staying focused and remaining positive.

If perseverance is the most important, our emphasis is on never stopping even if the process is flawed. Continue by changing some variables and try again.

If success is the most important, our emphasis is to get there and not allow anything to stop achievement of it.

If negative setbacks is the most important, our success is in danger of derailment by the slightest little negative event. Success, more than likely, will not be achieved.

We need to learn a lesson from the dog and his bone. Perseverance: "doggedness: persistent determination!"


Source by Jamie Sailor

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