Is Hot Yoga Good For Kids and Teens?


Is heated yoga cool for kids?

Seems that this hot secret is finally out: kids can benefit from hot yoga as much as adults. And even more so.

As such, many hot yoga studios are seeing an uptick in the attendance of youngsters, particularly tweens.

On the physical level, yoga has been shown to enhance physical flexibility, coordination and strength, all of which makes children less injury-prone on the playing field. And kids of all ages play a lot of sports in school and after school, including college level sports.

On an emotional level, children who practice yoga often show increased self-esteem. They are better able to focus on tasks and manage stress in school including tests, homework, and a social life which can become quite stressful as they enter the tween years.

My own two children started yoga with me when they were 14 and 17 (my daughter actually attended yoga with me when she was 5 years old; but she started practicing on her own at 14). Both are athletes – my daughter Carly plays league softball and football and is an avid cross-country biker and hiker. My son Zach is a black belt in karate and recently started Capoeira.

My kids credit hot yoga with years of injury-free athletics.

I credit it with maintaining my sanity through their teenage years.

What is hot yoga?

Traditional Hot 26 yoga is done in 105 degrees with 40% humidity, a 26 pose sequence for 90 minutes.

The teacher is charged with keeping everyone both safe and challenged to their max, so rest assured: your kids will be well cared for in the heat.

Benefits for Young Athletes

Kids can play rough.

True hot yoga enhances flexibility, coordination and strength, all of which makes children less injury-prone on the playing field. That's one reason more and more high school coaches – football, baseball, soccer and hockey – are recommending hot yoga to their young athletes.

In addition, children who practice often report increased self-esteem and are better able to handle stress including tests, homework, and a busy after school schedule.

And what teenager would not benefit from a large dose of self-direction?

Yoga-kids also tend to better manage emotional challenges with patience, tolerance, and, let's say the L word: love.

At what age can children do hot yoga ?

In my opinion as a yoga teacher, age 10 is about the earliest a young student can fully manage the stamina and balance, as well as heat acclimatization needed to full enjoy the 90 minute hot class.

Make sure they drink plenty of water – half their body weight in ounces – so they go into class already well-hydrated.

Should parents bring their children to yoga? A heated debate …

I love seeing parents and their children doing hot yoga together and bonding over a sweaty class.

Even when tweens or teens have little in common with their parents, they can still enjoy this challenge together. Being warriors together in yoga class can offer a respite from battling each another.

One caution for the parent: stop being a parent while you're in class with your kids! Do not correct them, scold them, do not even place your mat where you can see them – otherwise the temptation to parent them will be too great.

Let the yoga teacher handle everything in the class; enjoy your practice and let your kid enjoy hers.

Yoga teaches balance, body control, it even teaches focus and concentration. These yoga-inspired traits are something every youngster can carry well into adulthood and turn into lifelong habits for happiness and success.

And a reminder of the value of patience, self love and a time when your body was a lot more flexible, are great for the child in all of us adults, too.

By Rhonda Uretzky, E-RYT

Lambertville NJ, November 22, 2011


Source by Rhonda Uretzky

Leadership Expectations – 20 Expectations For Leadership Success


How many times are individuals hired into leadership positions without really knowing what their own leadership expects of them? This is especially troublesome for those who are first time managers. As a leader, I always found it not only important but inspiring to share with my management team what I expected of each of them as leaders within the organization. Of course, turn around is always fair play. They also individually shared with me what they expected of me as their leader. Sharing expectations up front not only allowed us to come together as a high performance leadership team more quickly, but also gave us all the opportunity from the start to jointly build the best work team we could for the organization as a whole.

Below are 20 leadership expectations I have shared and found valuable for creating a strong leadership team.

1. Respect each other – treat everyone well . Do not be confrontational. Maintain their self -esteem. Be sensitive to the tone of your voice and the words that you speak. Give people the respect and the dignity they deserve. Do unto others, as they would have you do unto them. Trust people and honor the best they have to offer. You should always be in a partnership, you are part of the same team and everyone benefits form the organization being successful.

2. Act with integrity, speak honestly and do the right thing. Always, always tell the truth. Then you will not have to try and remember what you said. Choose your highest thought about something when trying to decide how to act.

3. Motivate with a mission; lead from the heart with passion and compassion . Give people a compelling reason for being a part of this organization. Employees are far more likely to put their heart in the game for a manager who breaks through the facade of invincibility and demonstrates humanness. Have a passionate belief in your ideas and values. Say the words "I believe" and share your thoughts with your team. Get people excited! Know that your true power comes from within, the source that fuels all success.

4. Be adaptable. Stay creative. Have the courage to do things differently. Find ways to always improve. Be willing to think a new thought if you want to create a different (new and improved) reality. Instill in others the need to "think a new thought". Remember, change is part of the natural order of things. You must either change or be left behind. Be comfortable with letting go of the past in order to gab hold of a different future.

5. Pick your battles – know your non -negotiables. How you manage a crisis will determine whether it escalates or goes away. So pick your battles wisely. Some things are not worth fighting for now. Timing is everything !! Do not allow problems to fester. Deal with it. Recognize problems right away and deal with them.

6. Keep communications open. Deconstruct the barriers that inhibit the ability of the organization to learn, grow and continually adapt while moving forward. Create an organization that allows the sharing and flow of thought and information to proceed effortlessly as part of the process for the greater good. Learn to listen to and handle adversity while adhering to your beliefs. Take the heat and move on.

7. Get in the wheelbarrow! We succeed or fail together – it's a partnership. People must know that everyone, including you, is in this together. They must understand that your success as a leader is linked to their success.

8. Always look for ways to improve something (remember everything can be improved upon until it is no longer needed). Keep being creative and looking for new ideas and thoughts. Find ways to always be improving, find new ways to win. Do not get stuck in "that's the way we've always done it" because if that's true, it's probably time to change.

9. Live for the future, not from the past. Put your team in "future think" while bridging the gap between the past and the future. Find ways to not only create a vision for the future but also become that "vision" now, in the present. Remember you must first envision it before you can be it, you must be it before you can do it, you must do it before you can have it and only when you have it can you then claim it – SUCCESS !!

10. Work with a sense of urgency. You must understand that we do not have unlimited time! Everything has a time limit and nothing last forever. Lead with a sense of urgency and purpose knowing that what you are currently working on now is only a stepping-stone to the next opportunity that lies before you and your team.

11. Build a team ego – inflate the people around you. Put the group first. Make the people around you feel better. Make people proud to be a part of the team. Let people know they are "making history" everyday. Center success around the teams' accomplishments. Build a team culture with shared values.

12. Do not just go through the day GROW through the day so tomorrow you can achieve more. Everyday look for or create opportunities for the members of your team to develop and grow. Remember the more they become, they more they can offer to not only the team's success but their personal success as well.

13. Meetings: get in – get out ! Enough said, literally!

14. Promote and support a balanced worklife. Realize, people do not live to work; they work to live. Therefore, embrace the fact that they have a life outside of work, and so do you. Lead from the knowledge that people live within a holistic system that includes what happens inside and outside of work.

15. Show appreciation. Personally recognize. Understand that your team is the most valuable resource you have. It is what makes your leadership and the ability to succeed as an organization unique. Recognize that your team is uniquely qualified to deliver success to the organization. What you do with the unique talents, experiences and expertise that resides within your team will make all the difference between success and failure. There is no other team like the one you have on this planet, so lead like it.

16. Communicate what you want. Know the dangers of assumptions. Have one -on-one meetings to keep people informed. People can not be blamed or held responsible for what they do not know. Make sure the message is understood. Do not simple assume people know what you want.

17. Be your own messenger. Be hands -on, talk to the team (everyday), reaffirm the vision, and constantly keep it out there. Be visible and let others see you lead. Let your team hear you and see you leading from the future, versus holding onto the past.

18. Act decisively – be an "intentional leader". Decide to succeed on purpose and do what it takes to make that happen. Forget about "trying" because there is no such thing. You either get the results you want or your do not. So decide to be a successful leader. Learn the methods of other successful leaders. Learn what works and what does not and find what works best for you.

19. Do not be afraid to fail. Take personal ownership and pride in all you are responsible for. Failure is part of the leadership package. Do not be afraid to be wrong, do not be afraid to fail, its part of the process. Failure is just another class in school. Just remember, when you fail, fail fast, learn from it and then keep moving forward.

20. Always "be of service". Everything you do as a leader must be geared towards nurturing an environment that makes peoples lives better. Stay in service to others and those that are depending on you for your leadership.


Source by Angela Chammas

Reluctant Heroes; Molly's Reviews


Title: Reluctant Heroes

Hysterically Entertaining

Read, Highly Recommended

***** 5 stars

The Review

Mishtar's two centuries of imprisonment within a vault of legerdemain deep within Mount Aine have honed the sorcerer's temper to a razor sharp edge. Anticipatory he felt the magical power binding him was at last weakening. Just one unintentional dunderhead was all he needed and Mishtar would once again be released to commit devastation and retaliation upon the peoples of Middle Vooragh. It was the notion of retaliation that Mishtar savored most.

A witty wizard, and his inapt klutz of an apprentice, the last descendant of a dragon mounted race, The Ogmus, an ingenious Sister of The New Dawn, and a heroically unsuited and unwitting, coward Ryzak prove to be unintentional heroes about to toss a clog into Mistar's malicious designs. Lethal elves, dragons, cannibals, flying lizards, and a contingent of daft barbaric warrior tribes, all join the effort to thwart Mishtar's plans for revenge.

The narrative opens in the small village of Fleshwick with the reader stepping into the teeming excitement of the common room of The Shepherd's Cock – formerly known as The Shepherd's Crock until someone removed the 'r'. Blissfully unaware of the tumult, Ryzak slept through all the pandemonium. A loud and sudden altercation involving homicidal maniac Sawn-off Sam and the tavern croupier brought Ryzak back to reality. Within moments drink-dulled reflexes prevented Ryzak from avoiding the unexpected blow sent his way by the serving girl. From that ignominious beginning the reader is carried on a fast paced romp including a screaming girl in tatters, Wolverines, a bit of chicanery, a missing prison seal and a 'girl' named Shula. Ryzak is off on a quest to regain a kingdom, the name of which he does not know, in the company of a girl, who may or may not be a queen, and whose name he also does not know; even Ryzak's best friend InnKeeper Jollif is certain Ryzak is deranged. Scree slopes, a cave, a crashing fall, an elderly she wolf, A Beginner's Guide to Wizardry, bumbling dwarf named Snorkel and his mentor Beulah, a mule named Clara and Draco a misguided dragonet all contribute to the reader's enjoyment.

I do not remember when I have enjoyed a just plain for fun read more. Writer Westcott has a gloriously twisted sense of humor. Reluctant Heroes is filled with potent incitements, breach of faith, delusion, snappy dialogue, an enthusiastically focused yarn, extraordinary picturesque characters, profuse disharmony fittingly determined all excellently maneuvered into an impressive, spell binding read. Westcott has set down a typical problem, quest, resolution, tale using contemporary words and vernacular in a middle ages setting. The mix produces a highly entertaining novel.

Excellent book for a lazy afternoon spent sipping lemonade while reading in the rocking chair out on the porch. Reluctant Heroes will be a good addition to the personal reading shelf, the home pleasure library, and young adult reading list.

Not for everyone, some graphic language will horrify those who find their knickers too tight, everyone else will roar with laughter as they read.

Enjoyed the read, most happy to recommend.

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

Author: Steve Westcott

Publisher: The Vanguard Press, Seattle Printing, 1414 NW 85th St, Seattle, Washington


$ 9-15 Available Amazon and elsewhere on Web

ISBN: 184386021X


Source by Molly Martin

If Tomorrow Never Comes


You know, now I am thoroughly convinced that God has a sense of humor. As you know, June 17, 1999 was the date of my wreck. I can vividly remember the conversations I had with those girls: 'I Wanna Know' echoing through my mind with Melissa's beautiful voice, Tina's sarcastic sense of humor and me holding her hand to my cheek saying, "Even though you try to piss me off , you still make me smile. ", telling her that we were going to the top. One of my most beautiful recollections of those two girls was driving in the car with Melissa as we passed a field of wild sunflowers. "Melissa told me that she liked sunflowers as we passed the field …

This past year was seven years since the wreck, the first time that sunflowers have ever been behind the cross to remember those two girls. It still hurts to have lost Tina and Melissa but as I crossed the road, I realized that Heaven is what you like and so much more. Better days are on their way. You must cross the road to find them They are with God and there were three bushes of sunflowers … what she liked. It makes me happy that they are so happy. "Heaven is not Hard to Find … all you gotta do is look" So, I picked some for Melissa since she liked them so much. The poetry of my life is so beautiful

If I was to make an overall theme of my life, I would describe it as good. I will never forget those faded pictures … one of my fondest memories of them is going to a ball game with those two girls, watching the Stars and finding the way with them to understanding; I wish I could express my true feelings to them today. Whenever I think of them, I have a smile on my face. Every time I close my eyes I thank the Lord that I got them … and they got me too

We used to laugh all the time; Tina's last name was Herstein and I used to always call her Her-stine after the Young Frankenstein movie joke. She would always laugh just as you are right now; I loved that. I remember listening to, "Unconditional Love" repetitiously with them. Please notice the presupposition in this. Thank you for the memories. I will never forget the love I had for Melissa; she loved me and I loved her. I remember her singing the song "I Wanna Know" by Joe. The song came on the radio; I had never heard the song before so I turned the station. To this day I hear her voice echoing, "No, I like that song." I quickly turn it back to hear her sing the words, "I wish that I could take a journey through your mind; and find emotions that you always try to hide." I hear those words running through my mind all the time and I smile. I wait for that love again. I guess that was the Lord's way of saying, "You had good days before; you are in store for even greater."

I have grown up as a very active member of my church. From teaching the children the Way, to interacting with the youth and giving understanding to the College & Career Class, my limits are God's limits and God has no limits.

I thank God for my Christian Heritage; my great grandfather was a Baptist Minister until the day he died, my grandfather is a Baptist Minister and my family loves and serves the Lord. God is working within me as we speak.

Now to build a house, you must first have a foundation. That foundation is experience, experience from reasoning, logos; that foundation is God. Starting off, I must say God is good … and has no limit. What they have taken away from me, God has given back ten fold.

It has been [insert publishing date of book printing] since the wreck. Since there is no way to know every aspect and to put it into the words of a book of what I went through, I will just say I was in a car wreck. We were just going to see a movie; what it was, I am unsure. It could have been a series of things: Life, the Matrix, Wild, Wild West, who knows. But one thing must be said, I love those girls.

A woman, drunk and who was upset with her boyfriend was driving towards the intersection of Ruth Wall and 114; you know, right beside Grapevine Mills Mall. Tina and Melissa were going to the movies with me and driving in my car after I had a long day life guarding at the YMCA. Two friends of mine were following.

To make a long story short, we came up to the intersection of Ruth Wall and 114. My light turned green so I proceeded forward. It was not half way through the intersection, the woman struck the driver's side going 80 + MPH and so the story begins.

You know, sometimes life is not really fair. In reflection of that night, I remember being confused of where my friends were going to go, being too trustworthy of people and thinking she was going to stop. I loved, love and will always love those girls. As I lay in Melissa's lap, thinking this was a dream, I heard screams. "Josh, Josh, Josh !!!", my best friend saw a girl tossed out of the rear windshield brutally breaking her back. I acknowledged him with a gargle; I was still conscious.

He told a mutual friend up at work, "Josh does not have any legs; they were torn off in the wreck!" His eyes had seen too much; mortified and astonished, all they could do now is pray.

As you can see, I am fine now; like I said, God has no limit. The two girls driving in my car … they're with Jesus now. I told them one day we were going to the top; they just got there a little quicker. The last time I saw them was in a dream of only mental cognizance, not of physical recollection about three months after the wreck when I was in a coma for three months.


I did not know what happened to me, saw blue stars and two beautiful girls in white robes take me to a dark room. "Everything will be alright", they said. I was confused; 'What will be alright?!?', I asked. All they could do was walk off into the distance with their beautiful blonde and brunette hair. I guess that was God's way of saying, "I am still here even though all this is happening. '

That is odd, Tina and Melissa had blonde and brunette hair. I saw them in a dream within my mind, but they had passed. It is almost as if God is within our minds, a presupposition because He was supposed in minds way before you, an aforethought.

Angels are mentioned throughout the Bible described as being in white robes and it says in John 1: 1, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God …" It is almost as if the Bible is speaking the truth; the Bible is God.

As I look back on the night of June 17th, 1999, I know summer time was their favorite time of year because this was when Melissa went to Galveston or Tina went to her Banquet and I would like to think this was their favorite time because this was the time they spent with me. At every season's changing, the wind reeks of their hair; that is how vivid their memory is. "In the Arms of an Angel" was what was sung at their funeral and as you can see, that is exactly where I stood. The good Lord giveth and the good Lord taketh away; Come quickly Lord Jesus, even so, come quickly.

Now, what I have learned in the past few years is unbelievable. I did not know the extent of my injuries. My pelvis was broken in seven different places. What is the miracle in all of this?!? Number one, I am alive and cognizant enough to use words like 'cognizant' and write a book to share my experience. Number two, I do not have metal plates or anything foreign in my body from my pelvis being broken in seven different places which healed perfectly in only two weeks. Every organ was lacerated in my body except my heart and left lung; God is good.

The human body only holds five units of blood, but it took twenty-seven units to keep me alive that night; by the way did I mention my blood type is Type AB-, the rarest blood type?!? I thank God for each and everyone of you that gave blood the next day so that which I used could be replaced. Not a day passes that your donation is not appreciated. You allowed me to fulfill a purpose and mission

Also, I have learned my two frontal lobes were sheared in my skull. What does sheared mean?!? My two frontal lobes were torn from the rest of my brain and healed itself! No breaks, surgeries or permanent memory loss; God is great !!!

The next couple of years were a blur to me. I spent hundreds of hours in various hospitals, there were thousands of trips to doctors and the hospital bill was well over a million dollars and God took care of that too.

The person I am today is a little wiser, submissive and meek to name a few of my characteristics. I am a living testimony to God's good grace. Throughout this world, I had people praying for me: in New Zealand, Africa, several Southern Pacific Isles and throughout the United States. All those precious prayers were answered; thank you.

Through that experience, God has blessed me in ways you will never be able to imagine. I was offered a job at Bell Helicopter, Textron in Forth Worth, Texas under the Chemical & Analysis Department only two years after my wreck. I was only able to lift 225 lbs. for five repetitions under four sets before my wreck. I am able to bench press well over that amount now and it only took me a year to recover the strength I had before the wreck on a constant basis. I am currently enrolled at Dallas Baptist University, world renowned and a very prestigious school, with a 3.0 GPA from my previous college and it rising with my understanding of God. You tell me God is not there, I will share at least three miracles he has bestowed upon me. As my Pastor says, "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it." As you can see, through my cognizance, strength and mobile ness, He has brought me every step of the way.

Now, what I have learned in my life, is that there is genius in simplicity yet it takes simplicity to define genius terms coherently. This is not a new concept; Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, Homer and Leibniz say this through either their hypocrisy or understanding. The Bible even says this through its own words. Jesus said, "Suffer the little children and forbid them not unto me; for such is the Kingdom of Heaven." and "Except you become as one of these, you will not enter in." What Jesus is saying here is 'Blessed are the simple minded.' If we take on faith, such as a child, we will inherit and enter into the Gates of Heaven. See, I just see things simpler now after my wreck than I did in my past. God is the Word and all the Word is telling us to do is live a simpler life. We see it as a question, but a question has two answers: right or wrong. This is our choice. The Bible is the right way; it is telling us how to live a simpler life. True life is lived full of insinuations through our mind, associations through connection, allegories through our perverseness, constancy through the One, an experience to understand, a statement not question, purposeful, has no limitations, an inner mind through understanding, mental not physical , a healing not a scar, a searching for a period but not the end of the paragraph, acknowledgement, a source, a reason, completeness, Divinely Inspired, obedience, good, outside the boundaries of time, reference, decisive not inquisitive, adaptation within the Bible of understanding, examples, parables of experience from education, implications, connection, a beginning but never an end, within our minds, reliant on the Source if lived well, how not why, choice but never a chance and never a wrong decision, understood, in prepositions from the Presupposition, anticipation, reflection, simplicity from One. Do not look at the quantity of words I use to describe life, but the quality of understanding I use throughout this book.

Since we look at the positive aspect of life, we should acknowledge the negative: what not to do in life.

What is missing in every story in the Bible? The main characters knowledge of good which is later realized, understood. We see how they fall with their knowledge of evil or succeed with their knowledge of good. It is our knowledge that is crucial. Knowledge is where God lies and believing in this knowledge is beneficial. The benefit is eternal life.

Wrong, evil, sin just is not living a simpler life. We think this is just going behind God's back, but just as a parent instructs a child, such is the Bible. Life is just a word; what matters is the connection the word implies. We can either take it as a Gift or a Curse. This is the connection and its implications; life is what we make of it. As we live at the current moment, we make it hard on ourselves. We ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but strive towards the bad with hate of different races, sexes, religions when all they seek is understanding, acceptance, etc. Post why?!? We may have ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but to know is different than to do. There is no cost to be rewarded; the cost was taken on the cross. There is not a choice, only a commandment, one way to make a decision. This is just a parent instructing a child to live simpler, that is it! Knowledge is a less intimate understanding; strive for understanding.

Also, I have learned there is no need to fight things; what will be, will be. "Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth." I will ask you to keep in mind that inheritance insinuates 'coming'. Sure, you can fight it, but what will it achieve?!? Fighting it in anyway is just showing you do not have faith (God's mercy to allow His sheep to understanding) in God's Plan. The strong will lead this world, but those who turn the other cheek will inherit the world. It is better to inherit because what will last longer, this world or the inheritance?!? We must accept the reception or inheritance because it will be given to us if we follow the words in the Bible, the simpler life of meekness and not stirring up anger, and the reason for prime numbers. The Bible is a prime number. The Greek philosophers who studied these numbers understood the idea of ​​primality and were interested in perfect and amicable numbers.

And finally, do not look at Bible Scriptures as things you have to do, unreasonable laws; look at them as advice from your Creator of how to live a simpler, but fuller life. I mean that is who created life. Why not follow the Inventor's Directions, the Bible. Even the Commandments are just moral law, moral law- the distinction between right and wrong since we ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They are commandments because He knows the easy way out. Sure, there are still going to be people that disobey them, but what are they saying, "I do not want to live simpler!" What the Bible is truly saying is if you want to be a Christian or live simpler since that is all Christians truly are, simple livers, you must follow these commandments. Think about this; we messed up in Eden and God loved us so much He gave us His Word, Himself to live simpler lives if John 1: 1 is true. God is not going to banish sinners from this earth because He loves us so much and hopes we will make the right choice, the simpler choice to follow Him.

But the one thing you must do in this life is "Ride it till the wheels fall off." Before my wreck, I thought life was a dream; I soon found out it really is not and it really does not hold anything back from you after an incident like mine. But, I learned the understanding in the pages of the Bible make it a simper, easier life if you follow its' words. Fulfill your life to the fullest; do your purpose in life and try to overdo. It has been [INSERT DATE OF PUBLISHING FROM WRECK DATE] since the wreck. I miss those girls; I will see them one day. For right now they are just two teardrops, faded pictures and a memory and have taught me so much, but the most important of these lessons is, "Heaven is not Hard to Find, all you got to do is look." within your mind. I can not wait to see them on the other side because there, they will not be a memory, but a reality

Since we have dissected the fine prophecies and shown through wording that Jesus is the Messiah, we will now look at the prophecies that directly point to no man other than Jesus.

Isaiah 49: 6; 6 He says, "You will do more than restore the people of Israel to me.

I will make you a light to the Gentiles,

and you will bring my salvation to the ends of the earth. "

Gentiles are saved also, but the Jews (of the nation) think they are the "chosen people". This is in the Old Testament, but the Jews still do not believe?!? The Gentiles, us, used to eat raw meat from weird animals, worship pagan gods of statues, NOT LIVE SIMPLER!

This man helped them understand with the Jews. Jesus helped them realize that all have the knowledge of evil, but in this situation we are about to read about, Isaiah prophesied what was about to happen (the Pharisees were to honor them w / their lips, face value, but not understand it is simpler to honor your parents), but, yet they still did not understand. Read Matthew 15: 6-9 6 Even the waters of Nimrim are dried up!

The grassy banks are scorched.

The tender plants are gone;

nothing green remains.

7 The people grab their possessions

and carry them across the Ravine of Willows.

8 A cry of distress echoes through the land of Moab

from one end to the other–

from Eglaim to Beer-elim.

9 The stream near Dibon [a] runs red with blood,

but I am still not finished with Dibon!

Lions will hunt down the survivors–

both those who try to escape

and those who remain behind.

… Then 15: 16-20. 16 "Do not you understand yet?" Jesus asked. 17 "Anything you eat passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer. 18 But the words you speak come from the heart – that's what defiles you. 19 For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. 20 These are what defile you. Eating with unwashed hands will never defile you. "

Jesus gave several arguments, discussions that all God is must be understanding. Read Matthew 15:10. 10 Then Jesus called to the crowd to come and hear. "Listen," he said, "and try to understand.

I believe Jesus was very emphatic w / His references to God as understanding and how to live simpler from our knowledge of evil. Highlight the exclamation point on

15:20. 20 These are what defile you. Eating with unwashed hands will never defile you. "

Read Matthew 15: 24-28; 24 Then Jesus said to the woman, "I was sent only to help God's lost sheep – the people of Israel."

25 But she came and worshiped him, pleading again, "Lord, help me!"

26 Jesus responded, "It is not right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs."

27 She replied, "That's true, Lord, but even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their masters' table."

28 "Dear woman," Jesus said to her, "your faith is great. Your request is granted." And her daughter was instantly healed.
We are children of Israel if we understand, Gentiles if we eat the raw meat and not live simpler. This is also an example of faith- third hand on Jesus. Just rely, it will be instant b / c it comes from just like the little girl. I will share this story w / y'all one more time (scars) Nah, probably a few more; do not hurt. Learn this from third hand experience!

Now, back to Isaiah, the original association. Look for God to be lying in association, pneumonic devices. Isaiah 50: 6; 6 I offered my back to those who beat me

and my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard.

I did not hide my face

from mockery and spitting.

Is this precisely what happened to Jesus?!? Isaiah 52: 13-15; 13 See, my servant will prosper;

he will be highly exalted.

14 But many were amazed when they saw him. [A]

His face was so disfigured he seemed hardly human,

and from his appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man.

15 And he will startle [b] many nations.

Kings will stand speechless in his presence.

For they will see what they had not been told;

they will understand what they had not heard about. [c]

Has kings or world leaders (Franklin Roosevelt and WWII, Bush and 9/11 with resolutions) understood?!? Highlight understand. Exalted speaks of His resurrection and 'lifted up' speaks of His ascension.

Isaiah 53: 2; 2 My servant grew up in the LORD's presence like a tender green shoot,

like a root in dry ground.

There was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance,

nothing to attract us to him.
Jesus was not a king like the Jews believe He will be, but this was prophesied in the Old Testament. He did not have beautiful things to attract to His appearance. That is of face value; look in your minds for the attraction. There you will understand.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away

Heaven could be ages away or distant (like the blue stars I saw in my dreams) or it could be right within our minds (after all it was within my mind, my dreams.) Early on, my father was asked by a newspaper reporter what the prospects were for my recovery. He replied, "Josh's limits are God's limits and God has no limits." I guess that pretty much sums it up. What you will see in writing this book, in person, as one of His sheep is the living God who was saved twice by His amazing grace. Life is precious and none of us know how many breaths we have. "Live for the now because tomorrow is not promised today." God has a purpose for each and everyone of our lives. That is all the more reason that each of us should live this moment like it is our last by dedicating it all to the one who gave us life, our Lord and Savior. Come quickly Lord Jesus, even so, come quickly. I leave you with pictures of those two gorgeous girls and what I have to look forward to


He assures us throughout the Bible that if we follow His rules, the Bible, we will always have enough. My life is my assurance because it has always been enough.

Through that experience, I prayed to God that this was all a dream. Once again, I emphasize experience and for you to learn from my experience through the third hand because first hand hurts. Trust me, third hand experience is sufficient. We can learn this through testing chemicals, life's experience and third hand experience that God is there.

This is another thing that could have only come from the Divine Power. One would think I was a beast of a man who was 6'0 "and lifted weights his whole life. Now, granted I did played soccer my whole life allowing my lower body to strengthen, but had only started lifting upper-body weights precisely one year before my wreck, weighed 135 lbs when the wreck occurred and am 5'7 "today. Why would you not believe someone who knows too much about the brain, body and all the systems of the body from first hand experience?!? This was all miraculous !!! Dios es fuerte.

We must learn that life is reference and the Source referred upon is God. If we rely on Him, we will succeed. If we do something good for God, we will always succeed. Good is succession and if we succeed, it is always from something good. The past is very important to me, thus I like to remember; in both lies God. My grandfathers words were true; I just had to remember them.

I know what everyone is thinking at the current moment and I did miss the Dallas Stars win the Stanley Cup that night, June 17th, 1999, but I had to fulfill a purpose. It would have been much simpler life if I had watched the game, but what a big purpose it must be to allow me to survive a wreck like that!


Source by Joshua Brack

Malaysia Arts and Crafts – Wau, a Malay Traditions


Have you ever wonder what is that symbol emblazoned on the tail of all Malaysian airplanes flown by Malaysia Airlines System (MAS)? Although for most people, it is nothing more than just an emblem, it has a huge significance for each and every Malaysian that makes them proud. Known as 'wau', it is one of the oldest traditional games in the Malay culture. Dancing in the azure sky, a wau or kite is accompanied by a hummer, which produces various buzzing and purring sounds when soaring upon the wind. There are something mystical about the way this kite defies gravity by swaying and climbing slowly up the sky.

Kites are flown after the rice harvesting season is over. People are happy and free to pursue pastimes. A Malay kite combines the best of skilled workmanship, dazzling colours and decoration. It exhibits the creativity of the Malays and their talented craftsmanship in fashioning a unique art form that has the highest possible level of aesthetics. A Malay kite is not a schoolboy's toy as it normally measures 1.5 metres by 1.7 metres. It is called wau because the shape of its wing is similar to an Arabic letter that is pronounced as "wow". It has also been postulated that the word "wau" originated from the Dutch word "wauw" that refers to a large predator bird found in South-east Asia. When Melaka fell to the Dutch in 1641, the word was introduced to the local populace.

Wau can appear in all kind of shapes but the three main one are the famous Wau Bulan or moon kite, named for its crescent like tail shape, the Wau Jala Budi or women kite, which takes on the curves of a women, and the Wau burung Puyuh, the barred busted quail kite. Despite their different names, these kites all share the same basic, bird-like shape, with slight variations in their wings and tail.

The history and legends associated with the Malay kite are as colourful as its designs. In ancient times, coastal inhabitants of the Malay peninsula used kites fitted with lines and hooks to fish. Kites were also flown to act as flying scarecrows while the farmers were busy in the paddy fields. In an episode of the Makyong dance, a love story culminates in a happy ending when two lovers are re-united by an unusual mean of transport. By clinging to a giant kite rendered sky-borne by monsoon winds, a Malay prince flew to his lover and landed on her enchanted castle amidst the clouds. The wau has had an even more dramatic role in battle against a foreign army. Legend has it that a Malay army was surrounded and about to surrender due to lack of food and water. One blustery night, the head warrior ordered his troops to fly a large number of kites fitted with bows. The loud droning that was created frightened the enemy forces away, which did not want to fight against what they perceived as demonic forces from the sky!

It takes about 2 days to 2 weeks of skill and patience to make a wau. The frame is made from bamboo stems, which are split into thin strips. The best species of bamboo for making kites is the thorn bamboo, which is strong yet flexible. Each frame of a kite must have a 'head', a 'spine', a 'waist', a 'wing' and a 'tail'. After the frame is constructed, designs are traced on a tinted and shiny glazed paper and then carefully cut out and pasted on paper which is glued to the bamboo frame. The humming bow is attached to the head of the kite, which is finally decorated with tassels at the tail to produce the 'song' of the kite.

Each wau is designed according to its own set of elaborate motifs, adhering to the traditional style of artwork expected of each design. All designs must have a central flower called the ibu from which vines, leaves and flowers sprout. The vine symbolises the path of a man's life and the flowers, the women. The more meandering the vines, the more twists and turns in a man's life mean the more interesting is the person's life. In older kites, flowers were depicted from the side and back, analogous to the shy and reserved nature of women in those days, who never looked at you directly in the face. Nowadays, flowers are depicted from the front. The middle sections on the left and right sides of the wings are left devoid of patterns to provide balance with the decorated areas. This empty area is called "golden deer", and prevents the kite from being overwhelmed by a surfeit of patterns.

Apart from the patterns, choice of colours is also important in determining quality. Colours that clash or show strong contrast are frowned upon. Complementing or harmonious colours reflect on the emotional state of the kite-maker. Soft colours such as shades of blues and purples indicate that the kite-maker has a serene nature.

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Source by Khairuddin Ms

Leadership Lessons For Uncertain Times – Lessons For Leaders From We Are Marshall


The movie We are Marshall tells the story of the rebuilding of the Marshall University football program after a tragic plane crash in 1970 that killed nearly the entire team and the coaching staff. The university president came close to suspending the program when he was persuaded by students and the community to rebuild. Matthew McConaughey plays the coach who is brought in to rebuild the program.

In one scene in the movie, McConaughey throws out the old playbook and designs a new offensive scheme. He realizes that the playbook was designed for a different time and a different team with different skills. His current team needs a different approach to have a shot at success, as they are clearly failing using the old playbook. As the coach, he makes a swift decision and rapidly implements a new playbook which immediately begins to build the confidence of the team. While it takes a few games for the team to get it, they ultimately win again. While the story of Marshall is about the triumph of the human spirit in the face of tragedy, this scene also holds a great lesson for leaders in today's uncertain environment. If the environment has changed and we are to succeed, it implies that old behavior will not work. If you are the leader, you must do more than cast a vision or rally the troops with a motivational speech. You must identify what new behavior is required and help your team learn that new behavior as fast as possible. In the past few months, I have heard leaders at several different companies make bold pronouncements that "failure is not an option." Upon hearing this message, do you feel your morale, confidence, and optimism improving? Do you feel better about your company's prospects? I do not either. Here are four reasons why this approach is a big mistake:

  • First, it is intellectually dishonest, so no one believes it. Failure is, in fact, a possible outcome. The intent of this statement is to assure employees that the business will survive and that employees will be ok, but this may not be true. Failure may not be a likely outcome and it is certainly not a desirable outcome, but it is within the realm of possibility.
  • Second, it insults the intelligence of your employees. Why go to all of the effort and expense to recruit knowledge workers, who are supposedly very smart, but then treat them like idiots? Smart people understand that uncertainty exists. Pretending otherwise is insulting.
  • Third, because this statement is often presented with great confidence and swagger, it shuts down meaningful dialogue. This approach suggests that by the sheer will of the leader, we will prevail. By saying "failure is not an option," the leader is really trying to have the final word on the subject. The leader is frankly tired of dealing with the question and would prefer that people really just get back to work.
  • Fourth, this statement absolves employees of responsibility. By taking the weight of the option off the table, its puts it all on the shoulder of the leader. This approach is the exact opposite of empowerment and actually increases stress among employees. Stress occurs in high-demand, low-control situations, and increasing demands on people without giving them a reason to believe they have control does not work.

So how can leaders use the lessons of We Are Marshall to deal with economic uncertainty and anxiety more effectively?

  1. Acknowledge the pain, frustration and fear of the situation. While a business failure or job loss is not life or death like the Marshall tragedy, it is immensely painful. Recognize that employees are wondering about their future but sitting idle in the face of fear is not a solution.
  2. Acknowledge that we face significant uncertainty and it will likely continue for some time. There are multiple contingencies that depend on the overall economy, customers, competition, regulatory changes, and possible mergers or acquisitions. There may be several scenarios which we can envision, some good, some not so good. It is up to us to make decisions and to take action to capitalize on the best opportunities available.
  3. Honestly assess your current situation and communicate the truth. Clarify your current cash position and how your long you can operate under your current structure. Do you have weeks, months, or years of cash? Demonstrate that you have adequate resources to operate without being paralyzed by fear. This approach will help everyone in the organization grasp reality and move forward.
  4. Like the coach at Marshall, make sure you have the right playbook and right team for this environment. Clarify your best market and customer opportunities to focus on during this period. Based on your current product and service capabilities, where do you focus? For example, if you have an installed base of customers, evaluate how to maintain or expand your business with them. If you are pursuing new customers, make sure that your value proposition and lead generation activities are focused on the best opportunities. Make sure that you have the right team in the right roles, and make decisions quickly if changes are needed.
  5. Accelerate your operational planning process so that every single person in your organization knows their roles, responsibilities, and objectives for the near future. Instead of long term plans, these should be ninety-day plans which are revised a quarter from now. It is essential that each person have clear direction on their contribution. Hold your direct reports accountable for ensuring that each person they supervise has an individual action plan.
  6. Specify what you will NOT do. Clarify which markets, customers, and opportunities you will not focus on during this period. It is essential to focus all of your time, energy, and resources only on the best customer opportunities in this environment. Identify specific ways of operating that may have served you in the past, but which will not work in this environment. "Keeping doing what you've been doing" is a recipe for disaster.

So how do you handle the question "are we going to survive?" Let me suggest a blueprint for what you can say. My recommendation is to outline very specific actions that are required to succeed. The time for big sweeping vision statements is not now. Try something like this: "I understand that all of you are concerned about the current environment, how it will affect our business, and what it means for you. You may be expecting me to say that bankruptcy is not an option. We are currently generating (or burning cash), so our risk level is high / medium / low and we are confident that we can operate for at least a year. Technically, failure is always an option if we fail to execute our plan – that is the nature of business. So let's focus on the specifics of our plan: We will focus on specific customers and offerings. Make sure to name them here. This means that our sales and marketing organization must immediately refocus our lead generation, prospecting, and sales activities on this set of customers. We are going to not focus on other opportunities for the near term.

Our product development organization will focus on these specific projects for future growth, name them. Our operations groups will ensure that we are meeting all of our commitments effectively and efficiently. We are all responsible for managing our cash effectively. All of these specifics require each person in the organization to play a specific role. In the next thirty days, we will make sure that these specifics get translated into individual action plans for everyone – and each one of you will be asked for your best thinking about how we can innovate, execute, and thrive in this environment. My direct reports are accountable for making this planning process happen. I welcome any further questions on any aspect of the business and commit to communicating on a weekly basis as events unfold. I appreciate the commitment each of you is making to the company. "The coach of Marshall challenges the players to" lay it on the line until the final whistle blows, and if you do that, we can not lose. "As the leader, you can not ask for this commitment until you work through a specific game plan that can win. Do you have a specific game plan? If not, it's time to get to work.

Copyright © 2009 Aligned Action, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Source by Ron Wilder

4 Tips for Dealing With Triathlon Addiction


I am addicted to triathlon. I admit it. I will always admit it. I not only enjoy the sport, but am addicted to reading about it and trying to gain knowledge about the sport. I am addicted to it because it keeps me healthy, keeps me motivated, and keeps me going in life. It is a stress reliever and helps me to overcome some of those rough days. Sometimes I wonder if I am too addicted to this sport, but realize it could be worse.

I just learned that one of my best friends when I was growing up, just died. His heart just gave out on him. I knew that he had another addiction that was killing him, alcohol. He was addicted. I remember in high school when he started to drink. Just like a lot of young people, he dabbled with alcohol and drank too much sometimes. The problem was that this little habit in high school turned into a real problem in his life. He was addicted to the bottle in a way that few can imagine. He almost died a different time because of alcohol poisoning. He did not know when to stop. He had tried to stop many times, but just could not kick the habit. Alcohol addiction is an addiction that will kill you. It can lead to many diseases and ultimately your heart can just stop. I know of another person with the same issues that died in the same way. If you are addicted to alcohol, then admit the problem and get help.

The good thing about triathlon addiction is that you can use it to get healthy. Triathlon addiction can lead to avoiding family time, opening too much money on equipment, or missing work to train. However, when this addiction is checked it can lead to a healthy lifestyle, a love for the outdoors, and an overall driven personality. I have found this sport to help me to do even more in my professional life because of the drive I exhibit in my triathlon life.

So how do you temper some of the addiction to triathlon:

  1. Do not neglect your family – Anyone knows that if "Momma is not happy, then no one is happy." I know that if I ignore my family then I really have nothing left. If at the end of my life I look back and try to evaluate my life and see that triathlon took me away from my family then I will severely regret ever getting into the sport. I have found two things that help me. First, I spend as much time as possible with my family during the offseason. I go overboard to spend the time with the family during the weekends when I would normally be training. I make sure to focus on there needs even more. Second, I make sure that everyone in the house knows my training schedule. If I have a 6 hour bike ride on a Saturday than I make sure to out it on the family calendar and make sure my wife and kids knows it is coming. I do have the advantage of having Fridays off when my wife is working and my kids are at school. I make sure to put some of my longer training items during these times so as not to infringe on family time. I have found that when I come up on Friday afternoon and tell my wife I have a 2 hour run and a 4 hour bike ride the next day and she has not heard about it before then, that it does not go well. The main thing is that if you will be there for your family then they will be there for you when its race day.
  2. Budget your expenses – Every year, there are race fees that have to be paid and equipment that needs to be bought. You have to have a budget for these items or you will spend wildly in a sport that is always sending out more and more equipment for you to buy to make your faster. I do a couple of things in my budgeting. First, I lay out my race dates 6 months to a year before the race day. Most races have early bird specials that expire at increments of time away from the race. I try to get in on the earliest rate as possible to save money over registering at the last minute. Second, I prioritize my equipment purchases. I do not have an endless amount of money, so I need to prioritize the items that are going to help me most in triathlon. I look at items that make the most sense and try to avoid all of the gimmicks out there. Third, I discuss my equipment purchases with my wife so that we are on the same page. Lastly, I ask for gift cards, cash, or equipment for my birthday and Christmas so as to get my equipment purchases that way. I always have a budget before the race season begins to stay within so as not to spend too much like a triathlon addict can.
  3. Have realistic expectations – Unless you are going to do triathlon professionally for a living, you have to have realistic expectations. If you are a weekend warrior, doing this for a hobby then make sure to keep it in the proper perspective. Yes, be competitive. Yes, train hard. Yes, go for the prize. Yes, qualify for Kona. But do not miss your kids piano recital to get in a few extra laps in the pool or your kids soccer game because you needed that extra hour on the bike. Be realistic is that $ 1500 wheel set or $ 10,000 bike going to make you any more pleased with your triathlon performance. Our addictions can get out of hand and make us choose certain decisions that are disastrous. In the sport of triathlon, your addiction to the sport can lead you to do crazy things. Keep it all in perspective … you are not going to be a professional at this sport … you have a day job … you have a family … you have a life.

Triathlon is one of the most engaging sports. It keeps you changing from discipline to discipline over and over again. It is a blast. But keep your addiction under control and remember that there are much better things to do than lose your job or your family because of all your training. So while you have spent the last 10 minutes reading this post, you could have hugged your wife or sent a nice message to your kids.


Source by Jeff Dowdy

Monta Ellis Dunks Or How to Increase Your Vertical Jump


What do you think about Monta Ellis' Dunk over Leandro Barbosa? Right, the guy got hops. But did you know that the 23-year old Golden State Warrior was the worst athlete in the 2005 NBA Draft?

The 6'3 '' – shooting guard finished 70th in the pre-draft camp. He was the worst ranked guard in camp at either position! His strength, vertical jump and lateral quickness were all on the low end of the scale. He also recorded an average 31-inch vertical.

For comparison only: Verticals of other guards in this camp: 38-inch (Chris Paul) who finished 16th and 35-inch by Deron Williams who finished 10th. In case you wonder who ranked first: The well-known (;-)) Joey Graham came out on top.

Now, we all wonder how the 177 lbs- High Schooler could transform into a spectacular athlete who can get his shot at will and dunks anything and everything that is remotely close to the basket, despite only being 6'3 ''. There can only be one answer: WORK! It's all about your effort to make it happen.

In case of increasing your vertical it's about your workout, about the right exercises.

Now everybody knows about Calf Raises, Lunges, Squats and the Jump Rope. And actually all these exercises work! Weight training and plyometrics are also effective, but – It's more about the how to do these exercises, how many times, in what combination and when to take a break for your muscles to regenerate, than what to do.

For this reason there are vertical programs. Mostly you get a concrete workout plan. And if you stick to it, it's realistic to increase your vertical 10-15 inches in 3-4 months.


Source by Steve Wells

Perseverance and Motivation


Perseverance is defined as "doggedness: persistent determination!"

These are some pretty strong terms. "Doggedness," tends to paint a picture of a big German Shepherd dog enjoying and protecting his bone. Just listen to him … chew, chomp, chew, chomp. He is determined not to quit and it sounds like he's really enjoying it because he is still going strong even after an hour. That's perseverance! By the way, never get between a dog and his bone! 🙂

Accomplishing dreams depends on the same kind of determined perseverance. Perseverance is the winning element that separates the mediocre achievers from those who are extremely successful and stand out in our society. Imagine combining perseverance with passionate motivation, when working toward a goal. This combination becomes a sure-fire winner that demands nothing less then over-the-top success. Remember the dog and his bone? Well, do not ever get between the motivated, persevering achiever and success.

Sports teams are a great example of perseverance. The score is 7 to 2 for the visiting team. The losing home team rallies around the coach during a break. The coach's most important task is to motivate his players into a motivated attitude of perseverance. Focus on what was good in the first part of the game and continue in that direction with a renewed passion for winning.

If the home team was asked about their emotions, when the score is not in their favor, they would probably say that they felt discouraged, inept, incapable, defeated and even wanted to quit. Quit, because losing seemed inevitable and they focused only on the negative. Giving in to these temporary emotions is NOT a recipe for success. Successful people NEVER give in to these momentary feelings.

Defeated and negative emotions never linger long. They are extinguished as soon as the focus changes from the negative to the positive. It takes effort to change concentrations from the negative mistakes and failures and pay attention only to the positives of accomplished goals and being a successful winner.

Back to the sports team. The key to their success is perseverance. They did not give up even when they felt like it. They went out with a new positive attitude and played even better in the last part of the game then they did in the first part. They achieved their goal and finished the game with 17 to 12. The reason for their success? Perseverance and focusing on the positives!

This same perseverance is the key that successful entrepreneurs depend on. After all, that's how they got to where they are now.

Cultivating Perseverance in 4 Easy Steps

1. Make up our mind to continue even though our family / colleagues have already quit.

Often those closest to us try to "protect" us from, what they see as, a mistake. They do everything in their power to discourage us and continually tell us that it is an impossible task.

If we choose to make up our mind that we want to accomplish our dreams, then we need to make some choices that produce the winning results we want. The first step is to limit contact with the well-meaning, but negative influences of short-sighted people around us, until the goal is successfully accomplished.

Keep company with only those who encourage and promote our cause. These people add-value to our life and share our vision. Positive influence is critical when working hard with perseverance to achieve the success that dreams are made of.

2. Always stay focused on the end result of winning – never on set-backs encountered to get there.

It is very easy to keep looking at failure and continue dwelling there. The more time spent focusing on failure, the larger it begins to look. Soon it becomes so huge that it completely over-whelms and intimidates. When this happens, weak-in-the-knees syndrome sets in and causes us to just quit.

It takes just as much energy to see the positive side as it does the negative. Energy should be used wisely and focused only on the positive, while leaving the negative behind. Place a label on the negatives and call them, "Obstacles." The sole purpose of an obstacle is to provide another opportunity in redoing an uncompleted process with some variable changes. Then focus on what went right and continue to persevere. Repeat these steps until the process is successful.

3. Keep track of what works. Learn from others and do not re-invent the wheel.

While working toward that ultimate goal, notice what works during the completion of each task. Re-use the processes on this list of "what works" repeatedly.

When looking for a new procedure, learn from what others did. Follow their example and insert some personalized changes to adapt the process. If it works, great! Keep track of it. If it does not quite meet the required specifications, change what needs adjusting and try again. Persevere! Do not quit! Do not see it as a failure, only as an obstacle providing another chance to redo the process.

4. Keep motivation levels at an all-time positive high.

Motivation needs to be our 24/7 companion in order to achieve the success we truly want.

Let's look at the following picture:

Motivation is the gasoline that drives the car. Perseverance is the cruise control that maintains an acceptable level of speed. Negative set-backs is a flat tire or speeding ticket. Success is arrival at the desired destination.

What is the most important element in this picture? Look at the list again and reorder them with # 1 as most important and # 4 as the least important.

1. Gasoline (motivation)?
2. Cruise Control (perseverance)?
3. Flat tire / ticket (negative set-backs)?
4. Arrival at the destination (success)?

The order we select is very revealing in how we achieve success:

If motivation is the most important, our emphasis is on staying focused and remaining positive.

If perseverance is the most important, our emphasis is on never stopping even if the process is flawed. Continue by changing some variables and try again.

If success is the most important, our emphasis is to get there and not allow anything to stop achievement of it.

If negative setbacks is the most important, our success is in danger of derailment by the slightest little negative event. Success, more than likely, will not be achieved.

We need to learn a lesson from the dog and his bone. Perseverance: "doggedness: persistent determination!"


Source by Jamie Sailor

Ayub Kalule – Uganda's Greatest and Most Decorated Boxing Champion


Ayub (Ayubu) Kalule was born on January 6, 1954, in the Buganda region of Uganda. He was born to Juma Balinnya (a former boxer) of Kibuye. Kalule started studying at Kibuli Primary School at which he started boxing early, while only in the fifth grade. Balinnya did encourage his youngsters to be a boxers, although Kalule had never seen him box. Kalule began boxing nationally in 1971, through famed club Kampala City Bombers and through his his high school Modern Senior Secondary School. In terms of length of world professional ranking, together with skill and performance, Ayub Kalule has endured as Uganda's top boxer. Kalule will also, for long, stand out as one of the most revered as well as one of the most debated of African world champions.

Of significance, Ayub Kalule, in 1972, fighting as a light-welterweight, became the under-19 Africa champion. In 1973, Kalule in the semi-finals of the lightweight division, lost and settled for bronze at the All-Africa Games held in Lagos. Thereafter, Ayub Kalule had recently turned 20 when he represented Uganda in what was his first major international test … the Commonwealth Games held in Christchurch, New Zealand held in the last two weeks of January 1974. Throughout his career, Kalule was known for his unique right-handedness, in that he who would face his opponents as if he were a southpaw, or face them in what some boxing writers call a "square stance." This was likely an advantage in his ascent to becoming world champion, insofar as he performed as an ambidextrous boxer who would continuously confuse and barrage his opponents with either hand. Because of his strong, solid, muscular body, Kalule a man of stamina was regarded as an iron man. His opponents would tire from attempting to pound on him and his advancing pressure of relentless arms and speed.

Ayub Kalule boxed as a lightweight at the Commonwealth games, and started in the preliminaries by outpointing 20 year-old William Lyimo of Tanzania. Six years later, by which time boxing professional Kalule had become WBA Junior Middleweight Champion, Lyimo would fight for Tanzania at the Olympic Games held in Moscow. Lyimo at 27 years of age would go past the second round, but would in the quarter-finals be knocked out in the third round by 20-year old Anthony Willis of Great Britain, and thus settle for 5th place in the welterweight division.

At the quarter finals of the 1974 Commonwealth Games, Kalule out-punched and bloodily disfigured the face of 22-year old Irish "Sugar" Ray Heaney who was in the fight given two mandatory counts because of heavy punishment from the fast and hard-punching ayub Kalule. Heaney would later become a professional, but would fast retire with an undistinguished boxing record. At the quarter finals, Kalule was pitted against 19 year-old New Zealander Robert Charles Colley. Colley would be outpointed (and settle for the bronze), allowing Kalule to move on to the final stage. After being eliminated by Russian Valery Limasov in the first round at the Olympic Games of 1976 held in Montreal (Canada), Colley would turn professional. Though Colley's professional record is impressive, it is mediocre insofar as his fights were confined to New Zealand and Australia, and Colley retired quite early … in 1980. At the finals of these Commonwealth Games, Kalule would outpoint Kayin Amah of Nigeria and therefore win the gold. Kayin Amah, who had in the preliminaries lost to legendary Philip Waruinge of Kenya in the previous Commonwealth Games (1970), would this time be happier with taking home a silver.

Perhaps Ayub Kalule's most prestigious amateur encounter, would be the World Amateur Boxing Championships that were held in Havana in Cuba in August 17-30 1974. Kalule starred for Uganda as a light-welterweight. Kalule's first bout was encouraging, inasmuch as he disposed of Puerto Rican Amador Rosario by points. Next, Kalule similarly outpointed Marti Kalevi Marjamaa of Finland. Tall 5'11 "Marjamaa did consecutively represent Finland at the forthcoming Olympics, but was eliminated early in the preliminaries at both the Olympics in Montreal (1976) and Moscow (1980). At the quarter-finals of the World Championships, Ayub Kalule defeated Mark Harris of Guyana by points. Mark Harris was scheduled to box for Guyana in the forthcoming Olympics in Montreal, but Guyana became one of the many countries that boycotted the Games. Harris thereafter turned professional, but his record was mediocre, including being knocked out during his attempt at the Commonwealth (British) welterweight title. Harris was knocked out by Colin Jones of the United Kingdom. Harris retired from professional boxing near the end of 1982.

In the semi-final of the World Championships, Ayub Kalule was pitted against Ulrich Beyer of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). Kalule outclassed the German, and won by points. Notably, in the previous Olympics (Munich, 1972), Beyer was eliminated by Sugar Ray Seales (eventual and only national gold medalist, during these Olympics) of the USA, in the first round. Later in 1978, as professionals, Ayub Kalule would beat Sugar Ray Seales in a 10-round decision. However, Ulrich Beyer would be eliminated by Sugar Ray Leonard of the USA in a memorable fight of the 1976 Olympics held in Montreal in Canada. The finals of these World Amateur Boxing Championships saw Ayub Kalule defeat Vladimir Kolev (silver medalist) of Bulgaria by a clear 5-0. At the forthcoming Olympic Games in Montreal, Uganda was not represented but Vladimir Kolev won a bronze medal.

Ayub Kalule's next major outing came at the African Boxing Championships that were held in home territory, in Kampala in Uganda in November 1974. Kalule, a recent Commonwealth Games' and World Amateur Boxing Champion, was expected to win. Kalule was not disappointing, winning the gold in the final against Kenyan Philip Mathenge, in the light-welterweight division, on points. Earlier, at the Commonwealth Games held in late January 1974, Mathenge had commendably won bronze in the light-welterweight division, falling to Anthony Martey of Ghana on points. Martey would go on to be defeated by legendary Obisia Nwakpa of Nigeria, in the finals, by points. Nwakpa is now a Nigeria national boxing coach.

Ayub Kalule moved to Denmark in 1975, under Morgas Parley Promotions. Kalule distinguished himself by winning against Delroy Parkes of England for the European Cup title in the light-welterweight division.

Ayub Kalule, rose quite rapidly in the world ranks, even in spite of his being based in Denmark rather than being situated the more championship-lucrative USA. Though Kalule turned professional in 1976, during 1977 he became the foremost contender for the WBA light-middleweight crown. Peter Heller in his book "Bad Intentions: The Mike Tyson Story" (1995: 142) writes that Ayub Kalule already top junior middleweight contender for the WBA crown, was from 1977 to 1979 denied a shot at the title. Although a champion was required to defend his title at least once every six months, the WBA did almost everything to keep Kalule from fighting the champion who happened to be a mediocre Latin-American fighter named Eddie Garzo. The WBA did not want Garzo to risk losing the title to Kalule. It was long after Garzo had lost the title to Japanese Masashi Kudo, and after considerable pressure was mounted on the WBA, that Kalule was given the chance at the title. Kalule easily defeated Kudo, and thus became Uganda's first ever professional world boxing champion. But in order to sanction the fight, the Latin-American WBA president had requested that the Japanese promoters furnish his team of officials a long list of amenities in Japan (including luxurious dinning and hotel accommodations and seven round-trip tickets to Tokyo). The WBA has a long history of being presided over by Latin Americans.

Kalule's fight against Masashi Kudo took place at the City Gymnasium in Akita in Japan, Kalule won the 15 round fight by unanimous decision. The fight took place on October 24, 1979. The win was quite lopsided and the scores in favor of Kalule read as: Referee Robert Ferera 149-139, Judge Harold Lederman 146-139, Judge Tim Kelleher 149-145. At age 28 and at 5'10 ", a relatively young and tall Kudo would retire from boxing after this and only loss, ending up with a record of 23 wins, 1 loss, with 50% of the bouts won by knockouts. Kudo had previously, successfully, defended the WBA light middleweight title three times, over the 14 months since he won the title from Eddie Gazo. In addition, Masashi Kudo had held the Japanese middleweight title for several years, so his fame and his only defeat at the hands Kalule has actually made Ayub Kalule's name quite infinitely endure amongst Asian boxing circles. Kudo is not regarded as a technically efficient boxer. Kudo virtually never threw a hook or uppercut, and he relied solely on jabbing and throwing straight rights. That, to some extent made it easier for Kalule to defeat him. and in retrospect, Kudo had originally been a wrestler, and he turned to boxing after failing to make it on the Japanese wrestling team to the Olympics of Munich in 1972. Maybe Kudo was in professional boxing by default, but was not really that interested in it. Even in the bouts he won, most were won by a few points. Kudo's power was punctuated by his enormous amounts of stamina and strength, which enabled him to retire without having ever been knocked down.

Ayub Kalule's defense of the WBA Junior-Middleweight against African-American Olympic gold medalist and superstar Ray Charles Leonard ( "Sugar" Ray Leonard), is Kalule's most internationally acclaimed fight. Undefeated Kalule had won all 36 of his previous professional fights. The fight took place at the Astrodome in Houston in Texas, amidst a capacity crowd, on June 25 1981. In the first and second round of the fight, Leonard was surprisingly the attacker of the solidly built Kalule. Leonard was certainly, faster and more agile of the two, this enabling him to penetrate Kalule as the champion worked to figure Leonard out. Leonard's compact jab convincingly worked through Kalule's defenses. The third round was different. It was revealed later that a left hook to Kalule's head had resulted in the bruising of Leonard's middle finger, a handicap that became permanent. The injury was cumbersome, but Leonard courageous attacked Kalule in the fourth round, even dazzling him a couple of times. Finishing Kalule off was the hard part, for Leonard seemed to ran into a brick wall each time he tried to finish Kalule off. The tough spirited exchange between Ayub Kalule and "Sugar" Ray Leonard demonstrated just how sturdy and unyielding Kalule was.

Into the fifth round, Kalule registered control, much with his right hand, and in the seventh round registered a right to Leonard's head, knocking the challenger off-balance. Leonard recovered, but Kalule's confidence blossomed. Kalule displayed more toughness in the eighth round, Leonard tiring with Kalule gaining the upper hand. Round 9 is interesting. The two boxers looked exhausted but determined, such that the non-stop and no-holding exchange that had continued right from the beginning of the fight showed no signs of abating.

The formidable Kalule continued to absorb Leonard's faster and more accurate punches in exchange for Kalule's bruising and ambidextrous, unpredictable punches. But Leonard did seem to sense that with the formidability of Kalule, the best thing for him to do would be to take the risk of throwing in a flurry of combinations that would disable Kalule. Ray Leonard apparently sensed that strong Kalule was also tiring and slowing down. Near the end of the round, Leonard unleashed a series of hard combinations that seemed to confuse Kalule. A flash right hand landed Kalule to the ground into a sitting position, an indication that he was not unduly hurt. At the count of six, Kalule got up, and backed up to the ropes of the neutral corner to further recuperate. The Panamanian referee who did not communicate in English, surprisingly, stopped the fight. Kalule appeared stunned by the stoppage, shrugging his shoulders and arms in questioning stance. There are claims of miscommunication between Kalule and the referee. It is said that the referee was not convinced that Kalule was willing or able to continue, based on facial gestures, but not on exchange of words between the referee and Kalule! It was deemed by Kalule's team, that their champion had been unfairly dispossessed of his world title. An unsuccessful formal protest followed. But again, Ray Leonard was regarded as a small version of Muhammad Ali, maybe his successor in skill, speed and antics. This was American territory and Americans wanted famous and handsome golden Olympian Ray Leonard to win. Ray Leonard displayed the antics of Muhammad Ali, and was widely regarded as the heir apparent of, "The Greatest."

Ayub Kalule had been scheduled to represent Uganda at those Olympics in Montreal in 1976 where "Sugar" Ray Leonard won gold, but Uganda became one of the many countries that boycotted the Games. The "Sports Illustrated" cover of July 6, 1981 reveals Ray Leonard in the process of landing a left jab to the chin of Ayub Kalule. It turned out that at the stoppage of the Kalule-Leonard bout, at 3 minutes and 6 seconds of the 9th round, the bout had unanimously been scored in Leonard's favor: 76-78 by Panamanian referee Carlos Berrocal, 76-78 by judge Harmodio Cedeno, and 75-78 by judge Ismael W. Fernandez. Hence, even relative to the scoring, the differences in scores were too small for the fight to be easily and prematurely stopped. But let credit due be given to Leonard. He was the faster and more flexible of the two fighters, he landed more combinations, and he had moved up in weight to fight Kalule. This loss confirmed that Kalule had reigned as WBA Junior Middleweight champion for 20 months.

Ayub Kalule would unsuccessfully contest the decision that favored Leonard. In the September 19, 2009 issue of the Uganda national newspaper "New Vision," Moses Mugalu reports on a recent interview ( "Face to Face with Kalule") with a 55 year-old Kalule. Kalule remarks, regarding the knockout at the hands of Ray Leonard: "I was shocked when the ref stopped the fight because I had beaten the count before the bell rang. I went to my corner for a break and was ready to continue fighting." In much of the rest of the interview, Kalule laments his business investments in Kenya (neighboring his native Uganda which was not regarded as comparatively stable for investments) following, his retiring in 1986. The investments were disastrous and involved swindling. Kalule had invested with his buddy, former sparring partner, fellow countryman, and former highly ranked boxer Mustapha Wasajja who was a light-heavyweight. In the interview, Kalule mentions that he has children in Denmark, Kenya, and in his native country where he now resides and trains boxers. He was reconsidering moving back to Denmark for promotional contracts which he had turned down over the years. Kalule also lamented the sorry state of affairs of the sport of boxing in Uganda which he says involves corruption and bribery. Kalule says of Uganda boxing: "Real boxing stopped with our generation, the current crop of boxers have had a bad foundation." About why his face looks remarkably smooth for a boxer, a face not bearing the swells and marks noticeable on many long-time boxers, Kalule tells Moses Mugalu, "I had a long reach. I used it properly to keep my opponents at a distance and I guarded well that's why my face is smooth. "

Only three months after his historical battle with Ray Leonard, Kalule was back in the ring. On October 9, 1981 in Copenhagen, Kalule beat Spaniard Andoni Amana on points. Amana notably had an impressive record of 42 wins and only 2 losses, reigned as Spanish middleweight champion, and had unsuccessfully failed to capture the European Boxing Union title in just the previous fight against Tony Sibson of the United Kingdom. This was apparently the beginning of Amana facing quite formidable opponents, and Amana's losses would continue to accrue.

A month later, Kalule challenged O'Dell Leonard of the USA in Randers in Denmark. Leonard's record was mediocre (16 wins, 9 losses, 1 draw), the fight was scheduled for only eight rounds, Kalule won by points. Next, on February 26, 1982, Kalule would be pitted against France-based Jacques Chinon of Martinique. With a record of 20 wins, 20 losses, and 5 draws, Chinon's record was not impressive. But he managed to fight Kalule the whole 10 rounds, Kalule winning by points, in Copenhagen.

On April 30, 1982, Kalule challenged American Oscar Albarado, the encounter again taking place in Copenhagen. Though apparently declining, the veteran Albarado had an impressive record of 58 wins, 12 losses, and 1 draw. "Shotgun" Albarado even reigned as world WBC and WBA light-middleweight champion for six months, from June 1974 to January 1975. He was moving into his mid-thirties, and he had boxed professionally since the 1960's. Sadly, Albarado had lost his previous two fights by knockout. Kalule's knockout of Albarado in the second round would officially be the end of Albarado's professional career. Apparently, Kalule had remained very active, notwithstanding his loss to Ray Leonard. In his next professional outing, Kalule would once again challenge for the WBA World light-middleweight title.

Ayub Kalule was set to challenge young, upcoming and undefeated (10 wins, no losses) Davey "Bronx" Moore of the USA, in Atlantic City in New Jersey on July 17, 1982. Moore had won the WBA title in February 1982, wresting it from Japanese Tadashi Mihara by knockout in the bout that took place in Tokyo. At the time of the knockout (10th round of a scheduled 15 rounds), the judges each had Kalule trailing by a couple of points. 24-year old Davey Moore lost the WBA title to legendary Panamanian Roberto Duran, by knockout; after one title defense in which Moore had knocked our Gary Guiden. In 1986, in France, Moore was knocked out by American Buster Drayton who defended his IBF world light-middleweight title. There followed 5 more non-title bouts with heavily ranked and talented boxers such as Edwin Rosario, Lupe Aquino, and John David Jackson. The results were mixed. Davey Moore's last official fight was with Gary Coates, in New York. Moore won by a knockout. on April 30, 1988. On June 2, 1988, Moore was apparently killed in his own garage, when he stepped out of his car to open the garage door. The car was running and was geared in reverse instead of neutral, the car abruptly rolled backward and pressed him against the garage door, killing Moore on the scene.

Next Kalule would face undefeated and future WBA champion, Jamaican Mike McCallum in a non-title but significant bout. On November 13, 1982, again in Atlantic City in New Jersey, Kalule would face a skillful McCallum who many notable boxers such as "Sugar" Ray Leonard, Thomas Hearns, and Roberto Duran had apparently avoided challenging. But while McCallum's amateur career is not as spectacular as Ayub Kalule's, McCallum got better and better with time. McCallum represented Jamaica at the inaugural World Boxing Championships in Havana held in 1974. He boxed as a welterweight, and he was eliminated early in the rounds by Clint Jackson of the United States. Notably, Ayub Kalule as a light-welterweight became the first African to win gold in this tournament.

Kalule would also win the British Commonwealth Games 'gold medal, and the All-Africa Boxing Championships' gold medal in the same year of 1974. Mike (Michael) McKenzie McCallum would later win gold at the British Commonwealth Games, held in Edmonton, Alberta , in Canada in 1978, representing Jamaica. Earlier on in 1977, McCallum became USA Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) welterweight champion. In the same year, McCallum became USA National Golden Gloves' Welterweight champion. Again in 1979, McCallum became USA National Golden Gloves' welterweight champion. In 1979 at the Pan-American Games held in San Juan in Puerto Rico McCallum was knocked out in the second round in the finals by Andres Aldama of Cuba; so, McCallum had to settle for silver medal. The last major amateur encounter for McCallum involved him in losing to New York Puerto Rican Alex "the Bronx Bomber" Ramos, for the New York Golden Gloves' Championships.

The Kalule vs. McCallum fight was not a title bout, it was scheduled to last 10 rounds. McCallum overwhelmingly dominated Kalule. McCallum was slimmer and 2 inches taller than the stockier Kalule, McCallum was visibly faster and more agile and accurate in jabbing, and his continuous blows hit the head and anywhere above the waistline. McCallum took advantage of his long reach and speed, leaving a strong and valiant Kalule unable to reach him. Kalule also suffered an upper-cut knockdown during the preliminary rounds. Kalule kept being punched by "The Body Snatcher" McCallum, and in the 7th round was on the verge of being knocked down. The decision in Kalule's corner was that he would not continue. McCallum had won by technical knockout by Kalule retiring! McCallum would in 1984 become WBA world light-middleweight champion, a title he would lose to Sumbu Kalambay (a Zairean resident of Italy) whom Kalule had defeated. McCallum notably became the first Jamaican world boxing champion. McCallum would later regain the WBA title by defeating Herol Graham who was the opponent in Kalule's last professional fight. McCallum even became WBC world light-heavyweight champion, was later defeated, and later retired in 1997, aged 40, after an illustrious and excellent career of 49 wins, 5 losses, and 1 draw. Both McCallum and Kalule are ranked as among the greatest of world light-middleweight boxers of all time.

It was after an unusually long spell of nearly 18 months that Kalule was entered for a professional fight. On April 25, 1984, Kalule knocked out highly regarded and undefeated Jimmy Price of the United Kingdom, knocking him out in the first round in London. Kalule went on to knock out Canadian Wayne Caplette, in the third round in Randers in Denmark, in October 1984. On November 9, 1984, Kalule outpointed Lindell Holmes from the United States. Lindell Holmes would, after several spirited attempts become IBF super-middleweight world champion in 1990 with a win by majority decision over legendary American boxer Frank Tate.

The next significant bout for Kalule would be that against France's highly regarded champion Pierre Jolly on June 20, 1985, in Copenhagen. This was a contest for the vacant EBU (European Boxing Union) middleweight title. Jolly lost, by a TKO in round 8, in a fight scheduled for 12 rounds.

Six months later, this time in Marche in Italy, Kalule was pitted against Zairean born Sumbu Kalambay, right in Kalambay's adopted hometown. The bout which took place on December 19, 1985 involved two fine boxers. Kalule was knocked down in round 5 and in round 11. Kalambay was knocked down in the final 12th round. The referee Mike Jacobs awarded Kalambay the win by 113-114, the two judges sided with Kalule: 118-115, and 117-114. Kalule had retained the EBU title by majority decision! As for Kalambay, he would in 1987 win the EBU middleweight title by beating Herol Graham, would even beat legendary American Iran Barkley for the vacant WBA world middleweight title, by unanimous decision; he would in 1988 defend against Mike McCallum for the same title, beat Americans Robbie Simms by unanimous decision and knock out American Doug Dewitt for the same title. Kalambay's biggest humiliation of his career came with his getting knocked down by Michael Nunn in the first round of the IBF world championship match-up. "Ring Magazine" dubbed this, the "1989 Knockout of the Year." To add insult to injury, the WBA had already stripped Kalambay of his WBA middleweight crown!

In the next year of 1990, Kalambay's wins, in non-title bouts, would mostly come by knockouts. On Aril Fool's Day of 1991, he again was pitted against his nemesis Mike McCallum for the WBA world middleweight title, in Mote Carlo in Monaco. The bout went the full 12 rounds. Judge Fernando Viso had Kalambay lose by 114-116, Judge Orlando Sam had Kalambay win by 115-114, and Judge Justo Vasquez had Kalambay lose 115-116. In their revenge re-match bout, McCallum had won narrowly. Kalambay's next several wins included the defense of his EBU title against Steve "The Celtic Warrior" Collins of Ireland, the bout taking place in Italy. May 19, 1993 would officially mark Kalambay's last official professional appearance as a boxer. He was beaten by British Chris Pyatt in Leicestershire in the United Kingdom, by unanimous decision, and thus failed to capture the vacant WBO (World Boxing Organization) world middleweight title. With 57 wins, 6 losses, and 1 draw, a man who challenged many boxing greats, Sumbu Kalambay will remain an African and Italian legend.

On February 5, 1986, Kalule was scheduled to defend his title in Yorkshire in the United Kingdom against Herol "Bomber" Graham of the United Kingdom. Graham stopped Kalule in round 10, of a scheduled 12 rounds. The loss of Kalule's EBU title to Herol Graham officially spelled Kalule's hanging up his gloves from the professional scene. It is of interest that Herol Graham, as an amateur beat another famous Ugandan boxer – John Mugabi in the finals of the Junior World Championships held in 1976. The loss to Graham spelled Kalule's 46th and final fight.

In the issue of the Uganda newspaper "Bukedde" in the article "Kalule Ayomba" by Silvano Kibuuka (November 9, 2009), Kalule recounts that he had intended to retire after 50 fights, and that one of the biggest things he was proud of was that he never got beaten in the ring by a white boxer. Kalule left Denmark in 1993 and settled in Kenya where his business ventures failed. He went back to his his native Uganda, after several years in Kenya.

Later, in 1987, Graham lost the EBU title to Sumbu Kalambay (whom Kalule had defeated). Graham would also lose to Mike McCallum (by split decision) in 1989, in London, for the vacant WBA world middleweight title. After some victories, Graham would be knocked out in round 4 by Julian Jackson, in the bid for the vacant WBC world middleweight title, the bout taking place in Andalucia in Spain.

In 1992, Graham again lost to Kalambay in his attempt at the EBU middleweight title, in Marche in Italy. After some impressive wins and one loss to Frank Grant, Graham faced Charles Brewer of the USA for IBF world super-middleweight championship in New Jersey in 1998. Though Graham had built an early lead and even knocked down Brewer twice, Graham was eventually knocked out in round 10. That was the end of Graham's boxing career.

As for Ayub Kalule, given his excellent amateur wins in his native Uganda country, in the east and central African regional championships, in the all-Africa boxing championships, at the amateur world championships, at the European championships, and the world championships, Kalule will for decades remain Uganda's most accomplished and most decorated boxer. Kalule boxed during his country's golden age of boxing and sports (the 1960's and 1970's), all the professional boxers (only four) who managed to defeat legendary Ayub Kalule are themselves legends. Ayub Kalule was occasionally denied opportunities for the world crown, by the WBA. Kalule's willingness to fight any contender, above all, illustrates himself as a very dedicated and determined competitor who loved and respected his game of boxing. During his professional tenure of boxing while resident in Denmark, Kalule there and then became the most renowned migrant.


Source by Jonathan Musere